Friday, June 12, 2009


The recent shooting at the Holocaust Museum was both surprising and not surprising. How could such a contradiction exist? The general period of "terror events" has increased sharply enough that the American public is quite aware of them. They occur all over the globe. Our own government warns us fairly often, using a simple color-coded system, that a terror event may well happen here. F.B.I. "informants" [a word sanctioned by J. Edgar Hoover so that words such as "fink" or "snitch" would not have to be used] warn their controls of something suspicious, the color code warning is changed, and the media goes to work "agitating" Americans that they may be in danger. Guests appear on various media outlets to discuss likely spots that might be targeted by terrorists.

Almost always, the media paints a spectrum of villains that include Muslim "fanatics," Far-Right "Christrian" extremists, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, and the like. If the "villains" are in the service, they most likely will be described as one of the previous groups serving in the military, while clandestinely plotting to blow-up something or other. "Racism" and "Anti-Semitism" are often described as characteristics of some of the above mentioned "terrorism-prone" groups.

In regard to the above groups, which are rarely mentioned without the obligatory "hate-group" designation, "experts" from the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith ("ADL") and the Southern Poverty Law Center are called upon. As they are defined as "experts," the general public is conditioned to pay particular heed. Both of these groups also have fairly easy access to important figures in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. None of the groups they monitor do. Indeed, most members of such groups would probably quietly be arrested upon stepping onto Capitol Hill. How would anyone know? As mentioned, the two organizational experts spy upon Americans who they believe constitute a threat to the "Jewish World Agenda" (expression of Mr. Corzine of New Jersey) and have easy access to Congress to express their intelligence findings. I heard such a one from the Southern Poverty Law Center on WTOP radio today, June 12, 2009. Predictably and typically, he was "billied" as an expert.

Furthermore, in The Washington Times, Thursday, June 11, 2009, Front page, Article by Gary Emerling and Kristi Jourdan, one finds that "James W. von Brunn...was well-known by experts who monitor hate groups." The sort of experts these "newshounds" reference are those employed by the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The latter organization was founded by Morris Seligman Dees. He had operated a mail-order business for some years. He was able to find a buyer from the Great Lakes area, as I recall, and was able to schlep away with about $3 million. This fortunate sale provided the funding for his Southern Poverty Law Center. This operation was largely a Jewish-African American concern, legally targeting white people and white organizations. As marketing success brought in a "gusher" of contributions - mostly from Jews, the Southern Poverty Law Center could fund spying on Americans all over the country. Nor are these the only Jewish operated spy operations in America.

The concept of private organizations, mostly Jewish, spying on Americans would seem to engender an outcry. It doesn't. Those who do are immediately labelled "Anti-Semite," "racist," "extremists" or "possibly" a terrorist. American politicians and Fedcops schmooze with ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center experts to learn who the "bad guys" are.

However, the "bad guys" don't always seem so bad, when accurately described. As an example, although the "experts" through their energetic "monitoring" were well aware of James W. von Brunn, his move recently to the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland was apparently quiet. According to The Washington Times article, his "neighbors appeared to know little about his anti-Semitic views or a Web posting on another site in November purportedly by him that warned of enemies in 'Congress, at 'Holocaust' memorials, [and] at synagogues.'"

In the deluded world of Jewish fantasists men such as von Brunn should be walking about in Nazi uniforms screaming "Sieg Hail!" The fact that he was little noticed may be due to the fact that wasn't an extremists at all. It was possible that he was correct in many of his views. In matters of this kind people all too often take the view which they are told to accept in school and the like.

I certainly can attest that in former times when I thought to educate, I found myself looking at an irate individual informing me that what I had said "Wasn't the way he had learned it." Lots of folks can't grow. At the age of seven their heads solidify into a rock impervious to any further education. To talk about the need to "think outside the box" with such people is to express a profound misunderstanding of their potential.

From the above cited media article the reader can learn about his "purported" connection to some Web posting. These "newshounds" don't seem to have made the investigative effort themselves to learn one way or another. They probably learned from "experts," and felt no need to personally investigate the matter.

I believe that it is self-evident that the Messiah, Jahshua of Nazareth, when he drove the moneychangers from the Temple, acted with justified wrath. Yet, this belief is not generally held today. One would be hard-pressed to find a Protestant minister who would approve such actions. Certainly, they have no intention of following his example.

Righteousness is offended by iniquity. There is, unfortunately, little righteousness today. Further, there is the corollary that evil is offended by righteousness. Congress may outlaw it (righteousness).

What are the offending views of Mr. von Brunn? What did he base his views upon. What are the facts? Don't expect the media to dwell on issues but, rather, to release sensationalized "tidbits." Their sources? The above alluded to "experts."

The charge of James W. von Brunn at and into the Holocaust Museum, as with "Picket's Charge," the "Charge of the Light Brigade," and similar desperate actions, was doomed from the outset to be just another isolated incidence of violence. As a propaganda gesture, it was doomed as well, as too few care about the reason for anything. Mr. von Brunn's enemies will define his actions for the history footnote which will prove applicable.

It is interesting to note that Mr. von Brunn's name appears to be Prussian. That reminds me of the World War II episode recently made into a "based upon" movie entitled Valkyrie. That plot against the life of Adolph Hitler was largely - in so much as it was German - led by Prussian officers. In Hollywood's version the conspirators are rendered as heroes. They were the true patriots. In reality the character Tom Cruise played in real life admitted that what they (the conspirators) planned was treason. Viewers of this film are asked (and expected) to be sympathetic toward the plotters as "noble" and the like. The violence, you see, is justified, according to the filmmakers. Killing Hitler and what he stood for was a "good thing."

The plotters against Herr Hitler were warriors for the most part. James W. von Brunn was a warrior, if radio news reports can be credited. The idea of a WW II decorated hero attacking the Holocaust Museum was bad PR for those trying hard to present him as an "extremist nut." Hence, his WW II record may be found and, if necessary, altered.

Why do I say this?

In the Front page article alluded to earlier above, one finds the following: "James W. von Brunn purported to serve aboard a Navy PT boat in a war that liberated Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. A half-century later, the victims of that war had unmistakably become the object of his unrelenting hatred." Besides being a non sequitur, one notices the slant that automatically puts Mr. von Brunn on the scoundrel-side of the equation.

Although these remarkably poorly-educated reporters suppose that America's venture into WW II was to rescue incarcerated Jews, there were not enough Congressional votes to get America into a war with Germany that a majority of the general population didn't want. It was only due to an attack on an American facility on Hawaii by the Japanese AND the mutual-defense treaty between Germany and Japan, that war was declared all around. We were then "in it." Not brought out by either of these fine Times reporters was the fact that neither Winston Churchill nor Dwight David Eisenhower mentioned the "death camps" or genocide in their lengthy descriptions of their parts in WW II. They certainly would have, if they were thought factual, rather than a Jewish fiction.

One might also point out that the victims of that war were the German and Russian people, primarily. The Jews came out of WW II in better condition, more powerful, and wealthier than ever before. Jews have made more money from WW II movies than exists in most countries in the world today.

Furthermore, if Mr. von Brunn "captained" or "served on" a PT Boat, the odds are very good that he served in the Pacific arena. If so, he undoubtedly fought against the Japanese Imperial forces - not Germany. It seems likely that these Times reporters are not aware that two separate wars were going on, one against the Japanese and one against Germany. Since one should also count Italy separately, one should note our war against three nations at that time. None were fought overtly for purposes of rescuing Jews from anything. Incidentally, the Times reporters should be aware that Zionist Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933. When the Germans had unconditionally surrendered, the Jews took revenge, including "death squads."

Parenthetically, under Eisenhower's malevolent supervision, approximately one million German prisoners of war basically starved to death, died of related diseases, or were shot by drunken French troops. See James Bacque's OTHER LOSSES.

The murder of six million Jews in various "Death Camps" - especially Auschwitz -is a demonstrable deceit. The crimes committed against the Germans after their surrender have rarely, if ever, been equaled. The Russians under the Lenin/Stalin regimes may have suffered more deaths, as did perhaps the Chinese under Mao Tsetung. However, it is unlikely that any other people have suffered the monetary theft under Allied coersion, as have the Germans. Money is still coerced today as ongoing reparations. More importantly, the psychological harm done to the German people by three generations of guilt-mongering at the direction of the Allies and their puppets in Germany will require decades of counter-methods to restore wholesomeness to an exceptional people who have been exceptionably wronged.

Mr. James W. von Brunn is presented as a 'hater" and "madman." Not knowing the fellow, it is hard for me to say. But I do know his enemies, and that is what makes me suspicious.