Sunday, May 16, 2010


Here come de judge!

The Freemasonic hero, Justice Stephens, has decided to step down. I say "Freemasonic" not because I know him to be a "Brother," but because his opinions and voting pattern secured his status. The liberal idiom is the Masonic idiom. When that liberalism is expressed by opinions completely at one with the Masonic watchwords of "liberty, equality, fraternity," then the issue is sealed. When those opinions reflect also the new Masonic watchword of "tolerance," then it is double sealed.

Freemasons pride themselves on being radicals and revolutionaries. Always, they point out the numerous Masons involved in the formation of the United States of America. If any of these "Founding Fathers" also made allusion to the work of the Constitution or to the practical application of its principles in terminology suggesting that it was protean and meant to be fashioned by the hysterical mob in any way that seemed good, then one can be certain that present day Masons will seize upon it to promote the current agenda.

Whatever one might say about the Founding Fathers, they did put their thoughts in writing. They clearly established a nation. They clearly established rules and regulations for its operation. Such concepts as "the General Wellfare" were specifically stated.

Contemporary Masons are working to establish a real global nation, that will be composed of somewhat soverign nation-states. They (Masons) have not brought forth an amendment to place before the voters, which allowed the nation's leaders - in their wisdom - to change the sovereign United States of America into a "global team player" shorn of much of its independence of action. They have simply done it.

Their "tools" as builders of a global "democracy" have been treaties, wars, and international corporate businesses and financial enterprises. Treaties were favored in America because the U.S. Constitution provides solid backing for them as "laws of the land." No supreme Court has ever voided their effects, if they were not directly inimicable to the fundamental "Law of the Land." Virtually all these treaties nibble at national sovereignty. They should be entitled "Threaties."

International finance is every bit as revolutionary as international communism ever was. The world has not been conquered by determined proletariats but by amiable debt-mongers, setting the world up for a debt-ridden culture of near property-less serfs. In the words of 20th Century German mogul, Walter Rathenau: "Half the world produces dross and the other half buys it." Minus its "feel-good" prose, that appears to be the future which Masonic "Builders" are building.

I freely acknowledge the "magic" of God's Earth to reveal secrets that bail humankind out of a seemingly dark and doomy future. Perhaps, that will happen again. If it does not, look for beaucoup trouble ahead.

Masons belong to a brotherhood of builders. Rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem was and is a premier goal. They also like to talk about this in metaphorical ways. Masonic thinkers in the West have always been at the forefront of the Eastern mystical craze that struck England, its Commonwealth, and America in the late '50s and steamrolled forward. Consciousness-Raising and Evolution were both promoted by Masons. These ideas were intrinsic to the Mystery Religions. All of the latter have easily reckonized influences based upon concepts found in the Cabalah.

Can Masonic "team-players" across the globe rebuild the world, repairing its "flaws?"

They tend to be "cockeyed optimists" and believe that if the global population can be cut to between 500 million and 1 billion people, then the resources of the Earth and its population can be brought into equalibrium.

How do you eliminate some 6 billion or so people in a fashion not likely to "raise eyebrows?"

One way is to create "terrorists" with which to threaten the people. The terrorists would be real. Usable personalities would be manipulated into action, funded, provided access to plenty of lethal weapons, and released to run amok working out their imagined grievances. Urban environments - by definition - have the most "expendable" human potential. Remote areas would be perfect for genocide.

Additionally, American forces, allied forces, and United Nations' forces could be sent to many places on the globe to fight terrorists and/or insurrectionists (anti-"Democratic" factions). If they can't find any terrorists to kill, then they could - ooops! - smart-bomb some harmless citizens here and there. Also, stirring up factions within a territory, arming them, and letting them kill each other adds to the body count.

Still, these casualties amount to "flesh wounds" in the total gore required to get the population down to Masonically-manageable ranges. There has got to be a limited mass destruction now and then. Hydrogen bombs would help. However, pandemics appear to be the new shining hope of Masonry to cut the human numbers. Since Masons control many pharmaceutical companies, each of which operates globally, then "accidental" releases of deadly biological diseases, et al, would seem to be a good approach. Lethal diseases should be much quicker than dying of thirst or for lack of healthy food.

In regard to the latter the movie documentary "Super-Size It" suggested that six weeks of constant McDonald's food might kill all on the diet. For Freemasons this may seem the humane, free-enterprise, systemic approach to the problem defined by the population/resources equation.

Since we view Freemasonry as the "feel-good" flipside of the Jewish Tikkun olam ("repair of the world"), and, therefore, a part of the World Jewish Agenda (millionaire Jewish politician [NJ] Corzine's expression), we believe that Ms. Kagan will be a "shue in" as Justice Stephens' replacement.

With the seating of Ms. Kagan diversity will be established as a principle of our "democratic" government. She will bring the percent of known Jewish judges on the supreme Court to 33 1/3%. That's not "chopped liver" for a group that totals about 4-5% of the nation's population.

With the other 66 2/3 % justices said to be Roman Catholics, reasoned thought and freedom of expression seem doomed. There will be a high, thick wall built to exclude bonafides Christian influences, while criticism of the "Holocaust," the State of Israel (sic), or Jewry will not be tolerated. [This is the Masonic exception that proves the rule.]

You think this foolish talk? The jibber-jabber of a clown?

The Papal denunciation of the English Bishop Williamson's profession of disbelief in the "Holocaust" crossed directly into the path of a non-Catholic doctrine (i.e. non-Christian) to remonstrate against a rational belief. Why?

The "Holocaust" is clearly a Jewish Messianic doctrine that was conceived as a replacement doctrine for Jesus Messianic doctrine, which was and is the heart of Christianity. If the "Holocaust" can be put over, then Christianity should wither away. Whatever remnant remained could be eliminated on any of many pretexts.