Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Unruly events occurred on July 21, 2010. A convention of bogus Christians had gathered at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. According to American Free Press, which provided some coverage of this affair, Medea Benjamin, who has criticized some policies of the Israeli state, as well as AFP's employee, John Tiffany, who both observed the strange affair and who implicitly affirmed that Zionism was not the Way of Christ, found themselves dodging a Hageeite running amok with a "war club." For their peaceful protest they were treated as if they had been casting out demons with the help of the devil.

The specific group of shell Christians referenced here were the followers of Zionist servant, John Hagee. He has been such a good puppy that his masters have rewarded him with a 5000 acres ranch in Texas and enough financial support that he can two-step through the tulips all the rest of his days. He's a millionaire.

The Hageeites have no shame about their vulgar riches, as they believe that they were "blessings" that naturally followed their "blessing" of Jews according to the Abrahamic Covenant. In this sense, they are at one with the followers of the late, Masonic preacher, Jerry Falwell, who would never criticize the Jews for fear of the "curse" that would befall those who "curse" the Jews.

Naturally, these Learned Elders of Bogus Christianity deleted from their minds the weighty problem that the Abrahamic Covenant didn't apply to the descendants of Esau. Since John Hyrcanus coerced the only large population of Edomites known (Idumaia [Greek term for Edom]) into conversion to Judaism, the only certain descendants of Esau resided within the Jewish population. In the time of Jesus Christ that would include Herod, his wife, Caiphus, most high priests and probably the Temple Guard. 

Furthermore, Jacob-Israel, as he neared death, made Ephraim and Manasseh the inheritors of the Promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, they went with the Northern Kingdom into Assyrian Bondage and never returned. The Children of the Promise went into Europe primarily, becoming the Celto-Germanic people. The Children of the Promise were replanted, as was prophesied in Samuel. They never followed after the Jews; the Jews pursued them with the enmity that one would expect from the Children of Esau.

If Jews are a destined people, it is the destiny to be the heart and soul of the AntiChrist of Revelation. They have never, as a people, been "of Christ's flock" nor have they, as a group, "heard his voice." A small percentage have perceived Jesus Christ as their "Lord and Savior." This attests to the greatness of God. Even a people written into the Great Drama as the chief antagonist has been allowed to produce a few who have found Grace. As with any playwright, God is the author of the good, as well as the bad. He cannot affirm the bad, but after the play, all are restored. At close of the curtain the players, good characters and bad, one by one take their place under the light, and there is no more darkness. 

We are not at the latter point. Bad behavior can be very real indeed.

Gary Bauer, a malicious midget, was reported to have used "salty" words, when "documents of change" were presented him. He would not be denied his companionship with the idol-worshipping shell Christians inside the Convention Center, for whom the land of Israel (sic) has become a graven image. They do not understand that The Most High doesn't live there anymore, and that Jesus Christ will bring His Kingdom where the Israelite Christians are, rather than where the Edomite Jews reside as an official nation. 

Attending the Hageeite gathering as a sort of "Fruit of Edom" were "representatives" of Israel (sic), as well as American Jews of the hairy, nasty sort. Frank Gaffney was there. Also, Michael Medved made it. Perhaps the most influencial individual there was Jewish billionaire, Mortimer Zuckerman.

Although this meeting cannot be compared with one for the American-Israel Political Action Committee in terms of hordes of U.S. senators and representatives attending, Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA), Representative Mike Pence (R-Ind.), and former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) made the scene. Hageeite gatherings don't seem to be as compelling to Democrat politicians.

Although Jews contribute more than 50% of the money gathered in by the Democrat Party, one can see a different approach being used to influence Republicans. Somehow or other Mammon always seems to be at the guts of either party's motivation. Vanity may run a close second. 

The peaceful protest against Israeli violence that AFP observed was perversely met by not only violent words but violent deeds. A follower of John Hagee and Gary Bauer, incensed at righteousness, initiated an attack on Mr. Tiffany. Not content with this assault, he followed with an attack on Ms. Benjamin, who was a leader of Code Pink which is a pro-peace organization.

According to witnesses, there were Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police at the scene of violence, who did nothing. There was, of course, the possibility that Mayor Fenty had ordered a "stand down" attitude in the face of crime. Public relations has been very important to District mayors, since Marion Barry involuntarily went public in a very negative video. Riling the Hageeites might not have seemed to be a desirable course. 

At any rate one witness to the assault on Mr. Tiffany stated, "The assailant's name, based on his name tag, appeared to be Harold Lightstone and it appeared that he was from the state of New Jersey. The assailant was an older man, considerably taler and heavier than Ms. Benjamin, who is a slight, slender woman. The assailant used a heavy carrying bag - possibly laden with weights - which he wielded as a weapon, swinging it at Mr. Tiffany repeatedly, shouting angrily and loudly as he did so. Mr. Tiffany did not strike back; rather, he attempted to make his way away from the attacker who continued his assault until surrounded by others who were seeking to stop him." [American Free Press, August 2, 2010, p. 11]

Violence in the name of Baalim and Mammon seem to be primary attributes of the Israelis and their shell Christian supporters. Both groups, assuming there is a real demarcation somewhere, support a nuclear attack on Iran (and anyone else that they conjure up as an "enemy" of Israel (sic). For them the world cannot be made into a safe place until it is destroyed. After the Earthly Holocaust, they envision "love in the ruins." Jewry will be resurrected; its puppy will be at its side.