Saturday, October 15, 2011


There may be a tie-in between the "Arab Spring" and the "Wall Street Camp-In," as the dialectic is still favored by Pan-Western Marxist. The leading Bilderberger group is still pressing for a meaningful world government. To be meaningful, such a government must issue its own money through a central bank. It must also be able to tax the people of the world. To be a successful tax-gathering government, it would need a group of "break-legs" to enforce the tax code. Therefore, the world government must have broad police powers. Just in case of revolt among the soon -to-be oppressed people, it would also need a military force.

Now, there are a phalanx of comrade associations to the Bilderbergers, but for convenience sake, I will let them stand for all the Western "liberal" elite.

Since debt is the only way a minority can control the teeming masses, the money issued by the new world government would be based on debt. The central bank would be privately held by unidentifiable owners. Its ledgers would not be available for public inspection. The world government would request a certain amount of money from the central bank, and the central bank would readily agree, but it would insist on collateral. The world government would agree and issue bonds, guaranteed by the labor of the citizens of the world government. A potential slave state is at once engendered. The elite get richer as they engineer "boom & bust" cycles.

Let us awaken from this "paradisial dream" of the elites for a moment.

I believe that it is apparent to the Bilderberger group that they can create the conditions for their dream becoming true by dragging out and even worsening the depressed economies of the world. In this scheme economists and other experts would testify that the problem is caused by the passe' system of national central banks and national economies. The stage of nation-states has been outgrown by global economic evolution, yet still remains perversely to thwart human potential.

The solution? We must shed the old skin of the nation-man so as to become our destined global-man. We must have world government. [See above for key aspects.]

If you listen to the complaints of the demonstrators at Wall Street, then you will not hear much meaningful commentary. Statements of personal hardships don't speak to the problem. To inveigh against "bank greed" or "corporate greed" will not meet the needs of the times. To announce that the whole economic system needs to be changed, however generally correct, does not address the specific need of our time.

We should maintain our national system. However, money creation and banking should be significantly changed. Using the United States as a stand-in for all nations, the United States should immediately establish its own national bank - The United States Bank, N.A. This bank would provide a checking account for each citizen. There would be no savings accounts or debt instruments issues by the government. ATMs for this bank would be readily available. Using Eminent Domain power, existing private banking facilities may be co-opted initially to house the national bank. All national payments would be made through these bank facilities.

The money for the nation would be created at a specially established unit within the Department of the Treasury. Parameters would be established for a proper sum of currency for the U.S. population and productivity. Treasury would direct the Bureau of the Mint to create the dollars in the form of interest-free Treasury Notes. These moneys would be used to pay federal workers and contractors for services rendered. They would be used to pay Social Security and Medicare, etc. Other money would be created to buy assets such as new highways, bridges, dams, etc. or to improve existing assets in the forms of highways, bridges, dams, etc.

Nationally owned, or newly purchased, assets would be accounted in the nation's books as assets. When the United States spent money to acquire these assets, it would be getting richer. The idea of government wasteful spending would be converted to wealth-building. The government would invest through its banks in housing for employed citizens, buying a house for a goven citizen and then renting-to-own the property to the contracting citizen. The house would be an asset for the government, which over time would be transferred to the citizen at the agreed to cost of purchase. Of course, there would be no interest charged the citizen.

The same principle should apply to government investing through its bank in likely small businesses. Newly designed and engineered electric cars might be developed by entrepreneurs, which the government might invest in, after careful consideration. I don't believe that any international corporation should be invested in. In fact, domestic only companies shoulds pay no tax at all.

Nor would there be any income tax. Excise taxes would be available for user fees, as in highways. Each vehicle would carry a shield which could be recognized by laser, or other beam, attached to "toll poles" placed along the highways , bridges, etc. Usage fees would automatically be withdrawn from the owners checking account and transferred to the government account.

The same principle might apply to dry goods, foods, clothing, etc. I don't believe that basic food such as bread and milk should be taxed.

Further, as part of the government's duty to regulate commerce, it should "make a market" in all commodities at slight mark-ups. Each farmer, herder, lumberman, miner, etc., would get a guaranteed fair price. Entrepreneurs requiring raw materials to construct or prepare a product would buy the goods from the government storage depots, which would be established in all sections of the country.

The goverrnment should also operate the utilities, unless the states choose to operate one or more. However, in all cases the national government would operate nuclear facilities. It would require each existent and all new plants to be "fail-safe" - rather than based on budget or profit considerations. Only the government has the money to see that the work is done correctly. These would be assets. Fees would be charged for electricity from nuclear energy.

New highways would be built with the idea of taking advantage of this nuclear energy capacity by establishing lighted highways, well-conceived oases for rest, food and either recharging electric vehicles or swapping them at rental agencies, which the government might choose to operate, etc.

There is much of an absolutely booming sort that can be done. Never again need people suffer from "booms and busts," as the national money could not implode. Well managed, it would never explode either. However, it would annihilate the $14 trillion dollars in debt of the U.S. in reasonably short time. Wall Street would be needed no more.

Tariffs would be imposed upon all products foreign interests and international corporations desired to sell in the United States. The tariffs would be calculated to offset wage differentials betwen the U.S. and another country, such as China. These funds might be earmarked for the Social Security/Medicare requirements. Incidentally, no longer would Social Security funds be placed in the general revenue account and spent like ordinary tax revenue. These funds would be protected from Congress by law.

All trade treaties/agreements would be nullified. The U.S. would treat every foreign state equally, but it would never treat one as if it were a member of the national Union.

A new "foreign dollar" based on commodities would be created to deal with our trading partners.

All American troops would be returned to the U.S.A. Foreign nations wanting to rent U.S. military units could do so, based on carefully designed rules. These would be voluntary mercenary units drawn from within the U.S. military and the National Guard. [Optional aspect of the renewed American economy].

This outline is only the beginning to a great future.