Recently, I stumbled upon a newspaper headline to the effect that the ruling remnant of the Black Panthers Party of the unruly 60's were denouncing a group organized under the title, The New Black Panther Party. I immediately recognized the potential for a circus center-ring attraction.
Imagine the "old guard" Black Panthers decked out in their refurbished duds confronting the the young lions of The New Black Panther Party. Who dares enter the cage to crack the whip with these angry cats snarling?
It takes a good imagination. Bobby Seale, I believe, is an elected representative and member of the Black Caucus. In socialist America the old Black Panthers are establishment types. The widow of Huey Newton helps run a foundation which does at least some work in the African American 'hoods. "Trying" and rhetoric keep the old memories from death by burial under the relentless accumulation of dust that is modern life's emblem. It takes on a somber, aged, traditional character - unable to live and unwilling to die.
Additionally, there may be some money that comes now and then to the Keepers of the Legend. The old boys get together sometimes to talk about their "legacy" over drinks.
Imagine then the unwanted character of surprise that seized them when members of The New Black Panther Party ["NBPP"] started showing their stuff and being "bad." Further, the NBPP appeared to be related somehow to the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan. Hence, the old guard had to wonder if they were hostile to the Jewish community, which had been so understanding and supportive of the original Black Panther Party. This new group of "Black Panthers" might just be a different kind of cat.
While the old Black Panthers used to follow police cars patrolling their 'hoods, brandishing their guns and pointedly talking about "offing the pig," the stately remnant now speaks about their "love" for their people and desire to help the 'hoods. Get it? They got bad press! That's all. They were part of the emerging socialist international, supported by foundations, such as (probably) the Ford Foundation. Hell! Eldredge Cleever was so avantgarde that he tried to re-invent the "codpiece" for modern pants. If that's not Establishment, what is?
However, the NBPP didn't seem to catch the Black Panthers' groove. These name-stealers wanted to create a separate black nation called "New Africa." They were nationalists, doncha know? So yesterday! The old guard chuckled: "They'll never get Ford money."
Recently, at the elections of November members of the NBPP were occasionally present outside voting locations, dressed in their uniforms and carrying weapons. They were accused of trying to intimidate voters. They have intentionally set out to be confrontational toward "enemies of the Black people."
Do the old Black Panther Party remnant misread the times? Consider:
"In June, White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told a St. Andrews high school graduating class, 'Two of my favorite political philosophers are Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Teresa.' Similarly, manufacturing czar Ron Bloom informed the 2008 Union League Club, 'We know that the free market is nonsense. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.'" [American Free Press, Staff Report, page 6, Nov. 30, 2009]
I bring this up because the thinking of the NBPP seems to be much more - for real - akin to the Mao dictum than the stylish posing of the original Black Panthers. Since the latter were relentlessly outgunned by the police, their power can only come through "pet-ship" on the part of the real "power elite" of America, who thought them cute and useful to frighten old white women (reliable voters) and who also controlled the police.
Whether or not the NBPP is annexed eventually by the "power elite" and converted into a street drama scene at the Smithsonian may well depend upon their acceptance of Jews as the world's messiah.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
After the Washington Post launched a fusillade of "hate crime" verbiage at Mr. Robert F. McDonnell, Republican candidate for governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, old-time political observers were left to scratch their heads. What's with the Post? Although the Post had clearly indicated that it favored Mr. Creigh Deeds, the Democrat candidate, it had benefited from the advertisements of Republican McDonnell. This was achieved by the fact that the McDonnell campaign had cited The Washington Post for making favorable comments about aspects of the McDonnell "program for Virginia," and thereby acknowledging the Post as an important observer whose analysis demanded respect. Because the McDonnell campaign also cited the Post as commenting critically about aspects of the Deeds "program for Virginia," it had suggested that the Post was somehow "fair and balanced" in its commentary on this election race. In short the McDonnell campaign had exalted the role of the Post in the Virginia contest for governor, even though it clearly had chosen Creigh Deeds as the best man for governor. By citing the Post's observations on "nuts-n-bolts" in some aspect of the campaign, the McDonnell people seemed to think they were neutralizing the Post.
Far from neutralizing the Post, which has always been a "junkyard dog" in pettycoats and perfume, the McDonnell campaign witnessed itself being made the target of one of the most intemperate rants ever launched by The Washington Post. After this tirade, one wonders how this newspaper can ever piously denounce "hate crimes" again.
The problem may rests with the publisher, one Ms. Weymouth, who is said to suffer from some sort of bi-polar disorder. Flights of mood are not a congenial characteristic for measured, rational discourse. The unstable pronouncements of the Post are suggestive of an institution atilt. Washingtonians are hopeful that an elevated vision can be achieved by this news outlet, but in truth, when a person or an institution fall out of grace with its center, where is there to go but down?
Far from neutralizing the Post, which has always been a "junkyard dog" in pettycoats and perfume, the McDonnell campaign witnessed itself being made the target of one of the most intemperate rants ever launched by The Washington Post. After this tirade, one wonders how this newspaper can ever piously denounce "hate crimes" again.
The problem may rests with the publisher, one Ms. Weymouth, who is said to suffer from some sort of bi-polar disorder. Flights of mood are not a congenial characteristic for measured, rational discourse. The unstable pronouncements of the Post are suggestive of an institution atilt. Washingtonians are hopeful that an elevated vision can be achieved by this news outlet, but in truth, when a person or an institution fall out of grace with its center, where is there to go but down?
Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm all for immigration. I'm all for order. Not surprisingly, I'm for immigration by design by U.S. representatives who represent the desire and will of the people.
Design is unthinkable without reasoning. Throughout America there are signs of design in its infrastructure. Some might be surprised to learn that our highways were actually designed. Our railroads were actually designed. Buildings are designed. Even a school's curriculum is designed. States even demand that a certain curriculum be taught as a standard. This cannot be done without reasoning what is the educational aim, how it is to be attained, and what are the best tools by which to achieve these goals. Yes, although the educational establishment hates to admit it, even they must think.
However, in regard to immigration, reasoning and standards don't apply. Certainly, pretexts are offered to excuse the chaos. What is going on?
One needs to go back to cryptic messages that illuminated individuals have left behind. Of primary interest is the expression: Out of Chaos, Order. This slogan appears on the "Jewel" of the 33rd degree Mason at the top of the central emblem as "ORDO AB CHAO." It includes other symbols, such as the triple, intertwined triangles and the serpent biting its own tail. Both are meant to connect to the Mystery Religions of old.
It is not my intention to delve into Masonic symbols in this blog. It is only to connect Masonry at its highest levels with the term, "Order Out of Chaos" or "Out of Chaos, Order." It is a factual statement that many of the presidents of the United States have been Masons. One such was Ronald Reagan, who is said to have been a 32 Degree Mason as president. Further, it is said that he became a 33 Degree Mason during his presidency. His vice president, George H.W. Bush, was a member of Skull & Bones. Whether he was a Mason or not would not affect the proposition that he was a committed occultist, which appears to be common enough at high White House circles, including cabinet secretaries.
Now, both of these men were leading the American nation at the time that Mexico was imploding, due to debt, and its currency was literally a "basket case." It is my belief that these two men, as well as the president of Mexico at the time, put into implementation a process for uniting North America. The union of Mexico, the United States and Canada would be sufficient to create this "northern regional government." The smaller Central American countries would be "sucked in" by the "gravitational force" of the monster government to the north. Occult import might be ascribed to the union, based on the intertwined triangles.
Parenthetically, about this time huge American industries began to refer - not to their American operations - but to their North American operations. Chance?
However speculative this may seem to people not very conversant with the "ruling circles" in America, the fact remains that the vast part of the modern immigration into America from South of the Border began at this time. No matter how loudly the resident citizens objected to the illegal immigration, this same leadership never did anything to stop it. Further, on at least two occasions during subsequent presidencies, amnesty was issued by the White House to all the illegal residents. No reasonable inference can be drawn but that the "ruling circles" were creating a demographic "fait accompli," exhibiting utter disdain for the will of the people on this issue.
Further, a Senor Salvador Borrego E., in his PUZZLING NEIGHBORS, demonstrated not only the relentless interference by the United States in Mexican affairs, but also that Freemasonry was frequently the guiding hand. He also showed the native Mexican Masonic influence in high circles in its government. Additionally, he showed that the president of Mexico at one relatively modern point had likened the U.S. and Mexico to two eagles flying together, the Mexican eagle following the American eagle. Besides the symbolic importance of eagles to Masonry, it also indicated the objective state of affairs: the Mexican Scottish Rite Lodge of Freemasonry was obedient to the American Scottish Rite Lodge, just as Grand Lodges are usually obedient to the United Grand Lodge of England.
The contemplation of union could only be planned after the United States had become a statist government in which all important policies were issue by the central government and in which private property was merely tolerated as vestigial but perhaps still useful.
To insure that the North American Union occurred on a timely basis, the "ruling circles" felt obliged to transform the United States's demography from overwhelmingly white European-derived to one which was composed of roughly equal minorities. The latter condition opened to the planners the option of instigating division, whereby one minority could be played off another. Increasingly, these planners saw the possibility of creating such chaos that the people would do anything for order. Then they would gladly step in and enact the long-planned steps, leading to a united world government by design.
It can be said with certainty that many of the leaders of both Mexico and the United States are secretly united in concept, although they may not seem to be. Here I speak also of academics, writers, polemicists, and "grass-root" leaders.
If one goes back to Chronicles and Kings in the Bible, one can see the policy of "moving people around." The House of Israel was moved out, and others were moved into the vacated space. It was done by design. However, one doesn't have to go back too far to see other examples of designed population movements. Consider:
"Soon after setting up the Communist International, Lenin, Stalin, Molotov, et al, realized that a vital requirement for world political warfare operations was to facilitate the emigration processes which would allow the movement and deployment of Communist political armies from one nation to another with a minimum of legal immigration delays. Coupled with the plan to establish freedom of emigration was a campaign to give unhampered rights for those foreigners already established to carry on subversive activities. In other words, complete freedom of emigration which in Bolshevik language was for the 'unhampered shifting of political armies' plus a campaign against deportation which would permit the Red agents to operate without danger of being removed from their sector of operation. This double-edged program became sloganized as the 'fight for political asylum' and 'the fight against deportation for political activity.' In other words, the problem was to move Red political soldiers freely into all sectors and to prevent those subversive aliens already intrenched from being thrown out of the country." [Col Archibald Roosevelt, CONQUEST VIA IMMIGRATION, pp.3,5]
Those who have witnessed the defense of the massive illegal entry into America could not fail to recall the Roman Catholic and Protestant clergy who went to the border to assist the illegal entry. Both religious groups have been significantly infiltrated by a potpouri of vile groups, such as Freemasons, Communists, and Neo-Uranians, who idealize the role of "agents of change." In the political parties there are now "spin-doctors" who are experts at avoiding strong points of argument by changing the terms, so that something else becomes the subject of debate. Material omission is virtually the rule of both politicians and press. Add to this mix the educational establishment, which has the task of producing "wasteland minds," and one sees not only a planned massive demographical change but a population massaged into thinking its normal. Most Americans think the desire to come to America is rather flattering to them. Neither the foolish nor the vain are likely to hold onto their inheritance. Consider:
"It is not just Mexican students in the American universities who are cooking up these kinds of ideas. Often they are led by Mexican faculty. Through the 'Chicano studies' programs on many campuses resentment against whites is taught causing these inevitable political consequences.
"For example, Charles Truxillo, who teaches Chicano Studies at the University of New Mexico, advocates a sovereign country called the 'Republica del Norte,' or Republic of the North, which would encompass the American Southwest.
"Truxillo said that the 'Southwestern Chicano and Norteno Mexicanos are becoming one people again.' This should be achieved 'by any means necessary,' using an overused, but no less menacing, quote by the late anti-white activist, Malcolm X.
"According to the Associated Press, Truxillo feels it is his job to develop a 'cadre of intellectuals' who will turn this concept into reality." [THE SPOTLIGHT, December 25, 2000, p.5, article by Eric Owens.]
Unfortunately, men such as Truxillo and Herbert Marcuse tend to collect devoted collections of misfits. Without such professors these misbegotten men and women might have settled for spray-painting "pig" on the walls of a luckless buildimg. Each of these "educated" people, like the living dead, seem able to bite a normal person and turn him into another living dead. Be that as it may, consider this:
"There is a movement growing in California and elsewhere in the nation of which - with help from the media - most Americans are entirely unaware but enjoys the support of both the California and federal governments.
"This phenomenon has come to be known as the Reconquista Movement (Spanish for 're-conquest'). It is highly organized and its main principal revolves around the recapture of the American Southwest by Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the overturning of the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, signed by the United States and Mexico.
"As strange as this might sound to the average American, there is a growing popularity for this movement among the Mexican population, as demonstrated by the high-profile, and well-funded, Mexican activist groups involved....
"Consider this statement, if you will: 'California is going to be a Hispanic state, and anyone who doesn't like it should leave!'
"Now, this statement, rather surprising when one considers that it was a public statement given by a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient awarded by Bill Clinton in 1998.
"When asked if he had made the statement..., Mario Obledo followed up with: 'I did,' offering no explanation or apology.
"He then added, 'If they don't like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe....'
"Obledo said, ' is the reality. We are going to take over all of the political institutions in California in the next five years.'" [THE SPOTLIGHT, Dec. 25, 2000, p.1, 4-5]
Well, it is safe to say that from Texas to California, a Hispanic majority will exist. Indeed, in the Gulf states generally there is that potential, led, of course, by Florida. This is due to an American political leadership that is de jure anti-white, a leadership among white clergy and educators whose "best hope" is to Rapture soon or blend in. The top brass in the military is either them, or takes it orders from them, so they are certainly not going to be supportive toward white people. They will announce a color-blind stance. With Jews pouring into American leadership positions across the board, aided and abetted by Freemasons (both groups are immune to "disparate results"), the future of independent, inveterate white people should recapitulate that of the Romanovs. Consider:
"Mario Obledo is the founder of a 'Latino' organization called the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF)...
"MALDEF was founded in 1968 with funding from the Ford Foundation....
"The Ford Foundation has funded quite an array of various non-white - and often anti-white - activist groups, from MALDEF and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) or National Council of the Race, to the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, to name a few....
"MALDEF, like most 'Latino' activist groups, recognizes no real distinction between Americans of Mexican descent, and Mexican citizens. Although there is a marked difference in history, language and customs between the two groups, MALDEF is concerned primarily with race....
"When the president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, came to America in July 1997, he paid a visit to this group and spoke before them in Chicano.
"At this meeting, he boasted: 'I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are a very, very important part of it.'
"California Gov. Gary Davis agreed. In 1999 Davis...clearly stated his vision for the future of California: 'In the near future, people will look on California and Mexico as one magnificent region.'
"This magnificent region is beginning to look more like a war zone. There have been several stand-offs between Mexican soldiers and the U.S. Border Patrol, when Mexican soldiers have crossed our border, and even shot at Border Patrol agents." [THE SPOTLIGHT, Dember 25, 2000, p.4, article by Eric Owens.]
It should be noted that the "Chicano" movement is distinct from Latino. It is Mexican. The "Race" or "people" being referenced are the descendants of the Aztecs. It does not really include Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and other Spanish-speaking groups, although common purpose against Norte Americanos may be deemed "wise community" and welcomed.
When I was a boy, the United States was about 90% white. The only "people problem" seemed to be how to assimilate or equalize the African American population. I gave up on that idea long ago, as the design of the "ruling circles" became more apparent. After experiencing a racially charged score of years, I never thought that I'd see substantial numbers of Africans immigrating into America, as well as African-derived Caribbean people. I realized that assimilation wasn't the issue; survival of a white people, per se, in America was the issue. As white people are already a minority (there is no reason to count those majority whites for whom continuance as a people is not an important issue), they can count on a struggle ahead.
The coming chaos is as much planned as is the design they have stored away somewhere for a post-chaotic world. The "ruling circles" have by now constructed very comfortable underground facilities to await the opportune moment to arise and restore order. Only a few days back, I heard a female media type speaking about Charley Manson and his "racist Helter-Skelter" cult. I have previously expressed the opinion elsewhere that the basic outline for his armageddon scenario was already being bruited about in covens and lodges in the 1960s, if not before, as a glimpse of things to come.
I don't enjoy propagating such matters, but the prospect of being a "guinea pig" is not too comforting either. Can you say "Swine flu?"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Periodically, there are issued warnings in major media about the need to be vigilant about keeping barriers between the operations of the state and those of religions. Usually, these alerts are sounded by politicians or pundits. The more significant voices in a major media outlet presume to be peers with the president, senators, representatives, and justices. Hence, they are accorded the tribute of repetition by other, lesser pundits, as if these "Solons of the Press" were eminent figures.
Now, doubt not that these media outlets are vain. Why shouldn't they be? They regularly serve up material omissions while pushing a legislative act or court decision, and they still are referred by "educated" people as authority figures. Such people regularly cite such "great media voices" as The Washington Post as asserting this or affirming that.
The electing citizenry (nowadays includes anyone living or dead) in America are hopelessly foolish. They want to work within a system that has already excluded them from power and is relegating them to a status akin to serf. They have vague notions that a couple hundred years ago, some colonists rebelled against their exclusion from important decision-making in regard to the colonies by the King of England and his council and parliament.They cannot really connect to this. It has no relevance to them. In their ignorance and fecklessness these contemporary Americans believe they are "part of the action." This is true only in the sense that they will go down with the ship of state, screaming from the third-class section, where the Great American Serfs dwell.
The Democrat-Republican Central Committee has already passed American versions of the Marxist planks of the Communist Manifesto. They have overseen the extension of central authority over the "sovereign" states, even as they have "forked over" national sovereignty to the United Nations and a plethora of associated transnational organizations such as IMF, NAFTA, NATO, WTO, et al. The only reason that justified their deeds is the establishment of a "true world government."
Do any Americans ever stop to contemplate their role in such a government? If they have little, or no, role other than to vote for a Democrat version or Republican version of a Bilderberg-approved type of candidate, can they expect to participate in this electoral charade in a world government composed of a vast majority of people (admittedly serfs, also) who neither know or care about any principles of government thought wise by those men who fashioned our constitution with its Bill of Rights? Why have these men and women of Anglo-Saxon, Scott, Welsh and Celtic descent forfeited all that their fathers had accomplished for the promise of better times ahead, led by secretive, corrupt, and deranged men?
Thanks to "planned chaos," the country not only speaks a thousand tongues, but the public schools try to teach a hundred different tongues as "first choice" or "primary" language. Hyperbole? Perhaps, yet it is in the service of a clearer understanding of folly. Not only have the secret leadership worked on their "new tower of Babel," they have turned America into a giant cauldron for their witchery. A country favored by scores of millions of minds none of which think alike will be just so much "sound and fury" - a veritable animal farm. Where people do not think alike, there can be no meeting of the minds. Without a meeting of the minds upon principles which are just and which favor the general good, there can be no coherent government.
The latter state of affairs favors - even demands - secret government. When thus it is established, then "evil be thou my good" becomes a principle any pig can work with.
For many years these "low-dwelling slugs" (words of Joseph Alsop re John Dean) have fought to destroy Christianity from within and, more recently, from without. As the Israelitish Christian tradition of American Christianity waned and its power scattered, it was increasingly replaced by the quazi-Satanist movement of the Kenneth Copeland-Paul Crouch-Benny Hinn cult and Masonic bogus-Christianity.
Satanists love war because of the large numbers of deaths that attend it, which release proportionately great amounts of "energy" or "life force," which can be harnessed by the ocultic masters to "change the world." Not surprising, then, is that one can find many millions of such "Christians" demanding war against any state, or people, that the State of Israel (sic) fingers or that one ?(or more) of the Jewish world organizations fingers. The latter categories work to advance Israeli interests. The bogus "Christian" followers of the Satanists and/or of JohnHagee also work to advance the Israeli interests. Both the Israelis and the bogus "Christians" work to attenuate the influence of legitimate Christianity.
In the latter cause the outraged cry that Christianity is trying to intrude into the affairs of state will be heard, even though Christian influence is as noticeable as mane on a crocodile. The country has become incredibly corrupt. Presently, it is possible for a couple of men or a couple of women to marry and subsequently adopt children. Unable to bear children, perverted couples can create "dynasties" of perversion through the adoption and "turning" process. An adopted child may not have the natural inclination toward a "misdirected libido," but after years of "training" by his parents, will likely be a disturbed and possibly dangerous creature. Homosexual couples now look forward to having Kennedy-like dynasties. They speak of devoting themselves to public "service."
None of this would be possible except in a state where Israelitish Christian thought had neither weight nor many adherents.
Further, many "Christian" groups imagine themselves hovering soon in the air with the returning King and His heavenly host. They imagine themselves looking down on the death, mayhem, and corruption with casual disdain. It is a shockingly patronizing and vain vision.
All these things are reenforced by a withdrawal from "dirty politics."
To cry forth "alarms" about the dangers to the doctrine of the separation of church and state caused by any present branch of Christianity- or all - is to establish a straw man to frighten "bird-brains." This is the work of the major media. It is profoundly incorrect.
Yet, there is a virtual union of a religio-culture and state in contemporary America. I speak of the union of synagogue and state. By adroitly replacing the constitution with the Traditions of the Talmudist, Jewry has cleverly merged its law and the state of America. Such things need not be blatant. However, the sheer denseness of America's former leadership made it possible for Jewry to "flount" their ascendancy.
Justice Ginzburg is said to read from the Talmud daily. She is an apparently avid student of rabbinic thought. This isn't surprising, as the Talmud is the ONLY law for Jews. Here I am not referencing Moses; the important elements in Jewish thought come from "schools" led by revered figures, such as Rabbi Akiva.
The "Bible" is not studied very much, relative to these revered rabbis. Jews probably studied what Bible lessons that they did study to better position themselves on those occasions when they had to converse with Christian scholars on some element or other of the Bible. The rabbis knew that their "law" and rituals weren't Israelitish; they also knew that they could bluff the Christians, who assumed that these two "religions" were operating in the same universe.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn) is another important Jewish political figure who is said to be a great student of the Talmud. Capitol Hill has a substantial number of elected Jewish legislators. Rarely mentioned is the fact that the committees and sub-committees on both senate and house side have large numbers of Jews, who typically function as data-gatherers and researchers. Such positions and functions provide Jewry additional tools to affect legislation. This discussion on personnel could go further. However, this is a blog - not a tome.
Perhaps the most salient issue that arises is that there is no discussion of "disparate results" when the issue touches upon Jews. Inequality ceases to be an issue. All those well-paying jobs, one might suppose, would be divided according to categorical weight, based not on wealth but on numbers of people. No way, Jose!
What is the issue here? Senators and representatives want the "best minds in the country" to ponder important issues, leaving these pols freedom to chase after young pages and take junkets to exotic places. Jews are not shrinking violets on these matters. They saw the opportunity and took it. Jews flooded into graduate schools to become PhDs. Voila! Jewish "experts" fell upon Capitol Hill, providing timely manna for the intellectually-starved pols.
A key "religious" concept in Jewry is Tikkum olam ("repair of the world"). As Jews began to perceive that they themselves, collectively, were the "promised messiah," they naturally felt obliged to "make it happen." Harnessing their masonic dog teams, they began the long trek of circling the globe repeatedly, and, in the process, they created global smarming and schmoozing, while schlepping their strategems into the "raised consciousnesses" of all other peoples (or their "elite").
All this is to say that Jewish singularities of thought and ideological requirements related thereto assured that in America there could be no separation of synagogue and state.
So what is their "game plan?" Jews do have a messianic impel. It is ultimately a united world that is guided by their wise stratagems. They would still have, and live by, their law, according to however it is interpreted at any given point. Others would live under the Noahide laws. Idolatry, such as Christianity, would be extinguished. This Jewish messianic order would produce a kinder, gentler world. They wouldn't lie - would they?
Oh, yes! There was blood along the way. However, it was spilled for the greater good, doncha know?
Now, doubt not that these media outlets are vain. Why shouldn't they be? They regularly serve up material omissions while pushing a legislative act or court decision, and they still are referred by "educated" people as authority figures. Such people regularly cite such "great media voices" as The Washington Post as asserting this or affirming that.
The electing citizenry (nowadays includes anyone living or dead) in America are hopelessly foolish. They want to work within a system that has already excluded them from power and is relegating them to a status akin to serf. They have vague notions that a couple hundred years ago, some colonists rebelled against their exclusion from important decision-making in regard to the colonies by the King of England and his council and parliament.They cannot really connect to this. It has no relevance to them. In their ignorance and fecklessness these contemporary Americans believe they are "part of the action." This is true only in the sense that they will go down with the ship of state, screaming from the third-class section, where the Great American Serfs dwell.
The Democrat-Republican Central Committee has already passed American versions of the Marxist planks of the Communist Manifesto. They have overseen the extension of central authority over the "sovereign" states, even as they have "forked over" national sovereignty to the United Nations and a plethora of associated transnational organizations such as IMF, NAFTA, NATO, WTO, et al. The only reason that justified their deeds is the establishment of a "true world government."
Do any Americans ever stop to contemplate their role in such a government? If they have little, or no, role other than to vote for a Democrat version or Republican version of a Bilderberg-approved type of candidate, can they expect to participate in this electoral charade in a world government composed of a vast majority of people (admittedly serfs, also) who neither know or care about any principles of government thought wise by those men who fashioned our constitution with its Bill of Rights? Why have these men and women of Anglo-Saxon, Scott, Welsh and Celtic descent forfeited all that their fathers had accomplished for the promise of better times ahead, led by secretive, corrupt, and deranged men?
Thanks to "planned chaos," the country not only speaks a thousand tongues, but the public schools try to teach a hundred different tongues as "first choice" or "primary" language. Hyperbole? Perhaps, yet it is in the service of a clearer understanding of folly. Not only have the secret leadership worked on their "new tower of Babel," they have turned America into a giant cauldron for their witchery. A country favored by scores of millions of minds none of which think alike will be just so much "sound and fury" - a veritable animal farm. Where people do not think alike, there can be no meeting of the minds. Without a meeting of the minds upon principles which are just and which favor the general good, there can be no coherent government.
The latter state of affairs favors - even demands - secret government. When thus it is established, then "evil be thou my good" becomes a principle any pig can work with.
For many years these "low-dwelling slugs" (words of Joseph Alsop re John Dean) have fought to destroy Christianity from within and, more recently, from without. As the Israelitish Christian tradition of American Christianity waned and its power scattered, it was increasingly replaced by the quazi-Satanist movement of the Kenneth Copeland-Paul Crouch-Benny Hinn cult and Masonic bogus-Christianity.
Satanists love war because of the large numbers of deaths that attend it, which release proportionately great amounts of "energy" or "life force," which can be harnessed by the ocultic masters to "change the world." Not surprising, then, is that one can find many millions of such "Christians" demanding war against any state, or people, that the State of Israel (sic) fingers or that one ?(or more) of the Jewish world organizations fingers. The latter categories work to advance Israeli interests. The bogus "Christian" followers of the Satanists and/or of JohnHagee also work to advance the Israeli interests. Both the Israelis and the bogus "Christians" work to attenuate the influence of legitimate Christianity.
In the latter cause the outraged cry that Christianity is trying to intrude into the affairs of state will be heard, even though Christian influence is as noticeable as mane on a crocodile. The country has become incredibly corrupt. Presently, it is possible for a couple of men or a couple of women to marry and subsequently adopt children. Unable to bear children, perverted couples can create "dynasties" of perversion through the adoption and "turning" process. An adopted child may not have the natural inclination toward a "misdirected libido," but after years of "training" by his parents, will likely be a disturbed and possibly dangerous creature. Homosexual couples now look forward to having Kennedy-like dynasties. They speak of devoting themselves to public "service."
None of this would be possible except in a state where Israelitish Christian thought had neither weight nor many adherents.
Further, many "Christian" groups imagine themselves hovering soon in the air with the returning King and His heavenly host. They imagine themselves looking down on the death, mayhem, and corruption with casual disdain. It is a shockingly patronizing and vain vision.
All these things are reenforced by a withdrawal from "dirty politics."
To cry forth "alarms" about the dangers to the doctrine of the separation of church and state caused by any present branch of Christianity- or all - is to establish a straw man to frighten "bird-brains." This is the work of the major media. It is profoundly incorrect.
Yet, there is a virtual union of a religio-culture and state in contemporary America. I speak of the union of synagogue and state. By adroitly replacing the constitution with the Traditions of the Talmudist, Jewry has cleverly merged its law and the state of America. Such things need not be blatant. However, the sheer denseness of America's former leadership made it possible for Jewry to "flount" their ascendancy.
Justice Ginzburg is said to read from the Talmud daily. She is an apparently avid student of rabbinic thought. This isn't surprising, as the Talmud is the ONLY law for Jews. Here I am not referencing Moses; the important elements in Jewish thought come from "schools" led by revered figures, such as Rabbi Akiva.
The "Bible" is not studied very much, relative to these revered rabbis. Jews probably studied what Bible lessons that they did study to better position themselves on those occasions when they had to converse with Christian scholars on some element or other of the Bible. The rabbis knew that their "law" and rituals weren't Israelitish; they also knew that they could bluff the Christians, who assumed that these two "religions" were operating in the same universe.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn) is another important Jewish political figure who is said to be a great student of the Talmud. Capitol Hill has a substantial number of elected Jewish legislators. Rarely mentioned is the fact that the committees and sub-committees on both senate and house side have large numbers of Jews, who typically function as data-gatherers and researchers. Such positions and functions provide Jewry additional tools to affect legislation. This discussion on personnel could go further. However, this is a blog - not a tome.
Perhaps the most salient issue that arises is that there is no discussion of "disparate results" when the issue touches upon Jews. Inequality ceases to be an issue. All those well-paying jobs, one might suppose, would be divided according to categorical weight, based not on wealth but on numbers of people. No way, Jose!
What is the issue here? Senators and representatives want the "best minds in the country" to ponder important issues, leaving these pols freedom to chase after young pages and take junkets to exotic places. Jews are not shrinking violets on these matters. They saw the opportunity and took it. Jews flooded into graduate schools to become PhDs. Voila! Jewish "experts" fell upon Capitol Hill, providing timely manna for the intellectually-starved pols.
A key "religious" concept in Jewry is Tikkum olam ("repair of the world"). As Jews began to perceive that they themselves, collectively, were the "promised messiah," they naturally felt obliged to "make it happen." Harnessing their masonic dog teams, they began the long trek of circling the globe repeatedly, and, in the process, they created global smarming and schmoozing, while schlepping their strategems into the "raised consciousnesses" of all other peoples (or their "elite").
All this is to say that Jewish singularities of thought and ideological requirements related thereto assured that in America there could be no separation of synagogue and state.
So what is their "game plan?" Jews do have a messianic impel. It is ultimately a united world that is guided by their wise stratagems. They would still have, and live by, their law, according to however it is interpreted at any given point. Others would live under the Noahide laws. Idolatry, such as Christianity, would be extinguished. This Jewish messianic order would produce a kinder, gentler world. They wouldn't lie - would they?
Oh, yes! There was blood along the way. However, it was spilled for the greater good, doncha know?
Friday, June 12, 2009
The recent shooting at the Holocaust Museum was both surprising and not surprising. How could such a contradiction exist? The general period of "terror events" has increased sharply enough that the American public is quite aware of them. They occur all over the globe. Our own government warns us fairly often, using a simple color-coded system, that a terror event may well happen here. F.B.I. "informants" [a word sanctioned by J. Edgar Hoover so that words such as "fink" or "snitch" would not have to be used] warn their controls of something suspicious, the color code warning is changed, and the media goes to work "agitating" Americans that they may be in danger. Guests appear on various media outlets to discuss likely spots that might be targeted by terrorists.
Almost always, the media paints a spectrum of villains that include Muslim "fanatics," Far-Right "Christrian" extremists, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, and the like. If the "villains" are in the service, they most likely will be described as one of the previous groups serving in the military, while clandestinely plotting to blow-up something or other. "Racism" and "Anti-Semitism" are often described as characteristics of some of the above mentioned "terrorism-prone" groups.
In regard to the above groups, which are rarely mentioned without the obligatory "hate-group" designation, "experts" from the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith ("ADL") and the Southern Poverty Law Center are called upon. As they are defined as "experts," the general public is conditioned to pay particular heed. Both of these groups also have fairly easy access to important figures in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. None of the groups they monitor do. Indeed, most members of such groups would probably quietly be arrested upon stepping onto Capitol Hill. How would anyone know? As mentioned, the two organizational experts spy upon Americans who they believe constitute a threat to the "Jewish World Agenda" (expression of Mr. Corzine of New Jersey) and have easy access to Congress to express their intelligence findings. I heard such a one from the Southern Poverty Law Center on WTOP radio today, June 12, 2009. Predictably and typically, he was "billied" as an expert.
Furthermore, in The Washington Times, Thursday, June 11, 2009, Front page, Article by Gary Emerling and Kristi Jourdan, one finds that "James W. von Brunn...was well-known by experts who monitor hate groups." The sort of experts these "newshounds" reference are those employed by the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The latter organization was founded by Morris Seligman Dees. He had operated a mail-order business for some years. He was able to find a buyer from the Great Lakes area, as I recall, and was able to schlep away with about $3 million. This fortunate sale provided the funding for his Southern Poverty Law Center. This operation was largely a Jewish-African American concern, legally targeting white people and white organizations. As marketing success brought in a "gusher" of contributions - mostly from Jews, the Southern Poverty Law Center could fund spying on Americans all over the country. Nor are these the only Jewish operated spy operations in America.
The concept of private organizations, mostly Jewish, spying on Americans would seem to engender an outcry. It doesn't. Those who do are immediately labelled "Anti-Semite," "racist," "extremists" or "possibly" a terrorist. American politicians and Fedcops schmooze with ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center experts to learn who the "bad guys" are.
However, the "bad guys" don't always seem so bad, when accurately described. As an example, although the "experts" through their energetic "monitoring" were well aware of James W. von Brunn, his move recently to the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland was apparently quiet. According to The Washington Times article, his "neighbors appeared to know little about his anti-Semitic views or a Web posting on another site in November purportedly by him that warned of enemies in 'Congress, at 'Holocaust' memorials, [and] at synagogues.'"
In the deluded world of Jewish fantasists men such as von Brunn should be walking about in Nazi uniforms screaming "Sieg Hail!" The fact that he was little noticed may be due to the fact that wasn't an extremists at all. It was possible that he was correct in many of his views. In matters of this kind people all too often take the view which they are told to accept in school and the like.
I certainly can attest that in former times when I thought to educate, I found myself looking at an irate individual informing me that what I had said "Wasn't the way he had learned it." Lots of folks can't grow. At the age of seven their heads solidify into a rock impervious to any further education. To talk about the need to "think outside the box" with such people is to express a profound misunderstanding of their potential.
From the above cited media article the reader can learn about his "purported" connection to some Web posting. These "newshounds" don't seem to have made the investigative effort themselves to learn one way or another. They probably learned from "experts," and felt no need to personally investigate the matter.
I believe that it is self-evident that the Messiah, Jahshua of Nazareth, when he drove the moneychangers from the Temple, acted with justified wrath. Yet, this belief is not generally held today. One would be hard-pressed to find a Protestant minister who would approve such actions. Certainly, they have no intention of following his example.
Righteousness is offended by iniquity. There is, unfortunately, little righteousness today. Further, there is the corollary that evil is offended by righteousness. Congress may outlaw it (righteousness).
What are the offending views of Mr. von Brunn? What did he base his views upon. What are the facts? Don't expect the media to dwell on issues but, rather, to release sensationalized "tidbits." Their sources? The above alluded to "experts."
The charge of James W. von Brunn at and into the Holocaust Museum, as with "Picket's Charge," the "Charge of the Light Brigade," and similar desperate actions, was doomed from the outset to be just another isolated incidence of violence. As a propaganda gesture, it was doomed as well, as too few care about the reason for anything. Mr. von Brunn's enemies will define his actions for the history footnote which will prove applicable.
It is interesting to note that Mr. von Brunn's name appears to be Prussian. That reminds me of the World War II episode recently made into a "based upon" movie entitled Valkyrie. That plot against the life of Adolph Hitler was largely - in so much as it was German - led by Prussian officers. In Hollywood's version the conspirators are rendered as heroes. They were the true patriots. In reality the character Tom Cruise played in real life admitted that what they (the conspirators) planned was treason. Viewers of this film are asked (and expected) to be sympathetic toward the plotters as "noble" and the like. The violence, you see, is justified, according to the filmmakers. Killing Hitler and what he stood for was a "good thing."
The plotters against Herr Hitler were warriors for the most part. James W. von Brunn was a warrior, if radio news reports can be credited. The idea of a WW II decorated hero attacking the Holocaust Museum was bad PR for those trying hard to present him as an "extremist nut." Hence, his WW II record may be found and, if necessary, altered.
Why do I say this?
In the Front page article alluded to earlier above, one finds the following: "James W. von Brunn purported to serve aboard a Navy PT boat in a war that liberated Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. A half-century later, the victims of that war had unmistakably become the object of his unrelenting hatred." Besides being a non sequitur, one notices the slant that automatically puts Mr. von Brunn on the scoundrel-side of the equation.
Although these remarkably poorly-educated reporters suppose that America's venture into WW II was to rescue incarcerated Jews, there were not enough Congressional votes to get America into a war with Germany that a majority of the general population didn't want. It was only due to an attack on an American facility on Hawaii by the Japanese AND the mutual-defense treaty between Germany and Japan, that war was declared all around. We were then "in it." Not brought out by either of these fine Times reporters was the fact that neither Winston Churchill nor Dwight David Eisenhower mentioned the "death camps" or genocide in their lengthy descriptions of their parts in WW II. They certainly would have, if they were thought factual, rather than a Jewish fiction.
One might also point out that the victims of that war were the German and Russian people, primarily. The Jews came out of WW II in better condition, more powerful, and wealthier than ever before. Jews have made more money from WW II movies than exists in most countries in the world today.
Furthermore, if Mr. von Brunn "captained" or "served on" a PT Boat, the odds are very good that he served in the Pacific arena. If so, he undoubtedly fought against the Japanese Imperial forces - not Germany. It seems likely that these Times reporters are not aware that two separate wars were going on, one against the Japanese and one against Germany. Since one should also count Italy separately, one should note our war against three nations at that time. None were fought overtly for purposes of rescuing Jews from anything. Incidentally, the Times reporters should be aware that Zionist Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933. When the Germans had unconditionally surrendered, the Jews took revenge, including "death squads."
Parenthetically, under Eisenhower's malevolent supervision, approximately one million German prisoners of war basically starved to death, died of related diseases, or were shot by drunken French troops. See James Bacque's OTHER LOSSES.
The murder of six million Jews in various "Death Camps" - especially Auschwitz -is a demonstrable deceit. The crimes committed against the Germans after their surrender have rarely, if ever, been equaled. The Russians under the Lenin/Stalin regimes may have suffered more deaths, as did perhaps the Chinese under Mao Tsetung. However, it is unlikely that any other people have suffered the monetary theft under Allied coersion, as have the Germans. Money is still coerced today as ongoing reparations. More importantly, the psychological harm done to the German people by three generations of guilt-mongering at the direction of the Allies and their puppets in Germany will require decades of counter-methods to restore wholesomeness to an exceptional people who have been exceptionably wronged.
Mr. James W. von Brunn is presented as a 'hater" and "madman." Not knowing the fellow, it is hard for me to say. But I do know his enemies, and that is what makes me suspicious.
Almost always, the media paints a spectrum of villains that include Muslim "fanatics," Far-Right "Christrian" extremists, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, and the like. If the "villains" are in the service, they most likely will be described as one of the previous groups serving in the military, while clandestinely plotting to blow-up something or other. "Racism" and "Anti-Semitism" are often described as characteristics of some of the above mentioned "terrorism-prone" groups.
In regard to the above groups, which are rarely mentioned without the obligatory "hate-group" designation, "experts" from the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith ("ADL") and the Southern Poverty Law Center are called upon. As they are defined as "experts," the general public is conditioned to pay particular heed. Both of these groups also have fairly easy access to important figures in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. None of the groups they monitor do. Indeed, most members of such groups would probably quietly be arrested upon stepping onto Capitol Hill. How would anyone know? As mentioned, the two organizational experts spy upon Americans who they believe constitute a threat to the "Jewish World Agenda" (expression of Mr. Corzine of New Jersey) and have easy access to Congress to express their intelligence findings. I heard such a one from the Southern Poverty Law Center on WTOP radio today, June 12, 2009. Predictably and typically, he was "billied" as an expert.
Furthermore, in The Washington Times, Thursday, June 11, 2009, Front page, Article by Gary Emerling and Kristi Jourdan, one finds that "James W. von Brunn...was well-known by experts who monitor hate groups." The sort of experts these "newshounds" reference are those employed by the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The latter organization was founded by Morris Seligman Dees. He had operated a mail-order business for some years. He was able to find a buyer from the Great Lakes area, as I recall, and was able to schlep away with about $3 million. This fortunate sale provided the funding for his Southern Poverty Law Center. This operation was largely a Jewish-African American concern, legally targeting white people and white organizations. As marketing success brought in a "gusher" of contributions - mostly from Jews, the Southern Poverty Law Center could fund spying on Americans all over the country. Nor are these the only Jewish operated spy operations in America.
The concept of private organizations, mostly Jewish, spying on Americans would seem to engender an outcry. It doesn't. Those who do are immediately labelled "Anti-Semite," "racist," "extremists" or "possibly" a terrorist. American politicians and Fedcops schmooze with ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center experts to learn who the "bad guys" are.
However, the "bad guys" don't always seem so bad, when accurately described. As an example, although the "experts" through their energetic "monitoring" were well aware of James W. von Brunn, his move recently to the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland was apparently quiet. According to The Washington Times article, his "neighbors appeared to know little about his anti-Semitic views or a Web posting on another site in November purportedly by him that warned of enemies in 'Congress, at 'Holocaust' memorials, [and] at synagogues.'"
In the deluded world of Jewish fantasists men such as von Brunn should be walking about in Nazi uniforms screaming "Sieg Hail!" The fact that he was little noticed may be due to the fact that wasn't an extremists at all. It was possible that he was correct in many of his views. In matters of this kind people all too often take the view which they are told to accept in school and the like.
I certainly can attest that in former times when I thought to educate, I found myself looking at an irate individual informing me that what I had said "Wasn't the way he had learned it." Lots of folks can't grow. At the age of seven their heads solidify into a rock impervious to any further education. To talk about the need to "think outside the box" with such people is to express a profound misunderstanding of their potential.
From the above cited media article the reader can learn about his "purported" connection to some Web posting. These "newshounds" don't seem to have made the investigative effort themselves to learn one way or another. They probably learned from "experts," and felt no need to personally investigate the matter.
I believe that it is self-evident that the Messiah, Jahshua of Nazareth, when he drove the moneychangers from the Temple, acted with justified wrath. Yet, this belief is not generally held today. One would be hard-pressed to find a Protestant minister who would approve such actions. Certainly, they have no intention of following his example.
Righteousness is offended by iniquity. There is, unfortunately, little righteousness today. Further, there is the corollary that evil is offended by righteousness. Congress may outlaw it (righteousness).
What are the offending views of Mr. von Brunn? What did he base his views upon. What are the facts? Don't expect the media to dwell on issues but, rather, to release sensationalized "tidbits." Their sources? The above alluded to "experts."
The charge of James W. von Brunn at and into the Holocaust Museum, as with "Picket's Charge," the "Charge of the Light Brigade," and similar desperate actions, was doomed from the outset to be just another isolated incidence of violence. As a propaganda gesture, it was doomed as well, as too few care about the reason for anything. Mr. von Brunn's enemies will define his actions for the history footnote which will prove applicable.
It is interesting to note that Mr. von Brunn's name appears to be Prussian. That reminds me of the World War II episode recently made into a "based upon" movie entitled Valkyrie. That plot against the life of Adolph Hitler was largely - in so much as it was German - led by Prussian officers. In Hollywood's version the conspirators are rendered as heroes. They were the true patriots. In reality the character Tom Cruise played in real life admitted that what they (the conspirators) planned was treason. Viewers of this film are asked (and expected) to be sympathetic toward the plotters as "noble" and the like. The violence, you see, is justified, according to the filmmakers. Killing Hitler and what he stood for was a "good thing."
The plotters against Herr Hitler were warriors for the most part. James W. von Brunn was a warrior, if radio news reports can be credited. The idea of a WW II decorated hero attacking the Holocaust Museum was bad PR for those trying hard to present him as an "extremist nut." Hence, his WW II record may be found and, if necessary, altered.
Why do I say this?
In the Front page article alluded to earlier above, one finds the following: "James W. von Brunn purported to serve aboard a Navy PT boat in a war that liberated Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. A half-century later, the victims of that war had unmistakably become the object of his unrelenting hatred." Besides being a non sequitur, one notices the slant that automatically puts Mr. von Brunn on the scoundrel-side of the equation.
Although these remarkably poorly-educated reporters suppose that America's venture into WW II was to rescue incarcerated Jews, there were not enough Congressional votes to get America into a war with Germany that a majority of the general population didn't want. It was only due to an attack on an American facility on Hawaii by the Japanese AND the mutual-defense treaty between Germany and Japan, that war was declared all around. We were then "in it." Not brought out by either of these fine Times reporters was the fact that neither Winston Churchill nor Dwight David Eisenhower mentioned the "death camps" or genocide in their lengthy descriptions of their parts in WW II. They certainly would have, if they were thought factual, rather than a Jewish fiction.
One might also point out that the victims of that war were the German and Russian people, primarily. The Jews came out of WW II in better condition, more powerful, and wealthier than ever before. Jews have made more money from WW II movies than exists in most countries in the world today.
Furthermore, if Mr. von Brunn "captained" or "served on" a PT Boat, the odds are very good that he served in the Pacific arena. If so, he undoubtedly fought against the Japanese Imperial forces - not Germany. It seems likely that these Times reporters are not aware that two separate wars were going on, one against the Japanese and one against Germany. Since one should also count Italy separately, one should note our war against three nations at that time. None were fought overtly for purposes of rescuing Jews from anything. Incidentally, the Times reporters should be aware that Zionist Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933. When the Germans had unconditionally surrendered, the Jews took revenge, including "death squads."
Parenthetically, under Eisenhower's malevolent supervision, approximately one million German prisoners of war basically starved to death, died of related diseases, or were shot by drunken French troops. See James Bacque's OTHER LOSSES.
The murder of six million Jews in various "Death Camps" - especially Auschwitz -is a demonstrable deceit. The crimes committed against the Germans after their surrender have rarely, if ever, been equaled. The Russians under the Lenin/Stalin regimes may have suffered more deaths, as did perhaps the Chinese under Mao Tsetung. However, it is unlikely that any other people have suffered the monetary theft under Allied coersion, as have the Germans. Money is still coerced today as ongoing reparations. More importantly, the psychological harm done to the German people by three generations of guilt-mongering at the direction of the Allies and their puppets in Germany will require decades of counter-methods to restore wholesomeness to an exceptional people who have been exceptionably wronged.
Mr. James W. von Brunn is presented as a 'hater" and "madman." Not knowing the fellow, it is hard for me to say. But I do know his enemies, and that is what makes me suspicious.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I can't help noting that the more things change, the more they stay the same. In nothing I know anything about is this truer than in this: Some idiot will publish a denial of the Holocaust.
For years I've scratched my head and wondered why Cal Poly or the University of California at Berkeley don't just devote a few experts to prove that technical challenges involving physical sciences to the accepted Holocaust history, in fact, are baseless. They could then demonstrate in detail how the physics, engineering, chemistry, et al, could result in the ghastly genocide.
Since the educators cannot or will not expend the time and money to resolve all doubts - once and for all, I wish to suggest an approach that might practically demonstrate the horrible facts of the matter.
Since the Nazis seemed to be fanatics in regard to cleanliness and as large numbers of Jews were apparently turned into bars of soap, I propose a solemn parade through Washington, D.C., of the living descendants of the victims of the Nazi Death Camps, in each hand of which would be a laminated bar of soap, representing one of the victims. A discreet banner, bearing the name of each victim, would be held by the free hand of the solemn participants.
If this parade were to be internationally televised, the impact upon the world's understanding of the tragedy of the murder of the Jews would be greatly improved. Science and engineering may have something useful to say on these issues, but nothing says it better than six million bars of soap. With these bars of soap, we can wash away the filth of doubt - once and forever.
For years I've scratched my head and wondered why Cal Poly or the University of California at Berkeley don't just devote a few experts to prove that technical challenges involving physical sciences to the accepted Holocaust history, in fact, are baseless. They could then demonstrate in detail how the physics, engineering, chemistry, et al, could result in the ghastly genocide.
Since the educators cannot or will not expend the time and money to resolve all doubts - once and for all, I wish to suggest an approach that might practically demonstrate the horrible facts of the matter.
Since the Nazis seemed to be fanatics in regard to cleanliness and as large numbers of Jews were apparently turned into bars of soap, I propose a solemn parade through Washington, D.C., of the living descendants of the victims of the Nazi Death Camps, in each hand of which would be a laminated bar of soap, representing one of the victims. A discreet banner, bearing the name of each victim, would be held by the free hand of the solemn participants.
If this parade were to be internationally televised, the impact upon the world's understanding of the tragedy of the murder of the Jews would be greatly improved. Science and engineering may have something useful to say on these issues, but nothing says it better than six million bars of soap. With these bars of soap, we can wash away the filth of doubt - once and forever.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Guest Commentary: FIXING THE ECONOMY
Today, there is much ballyhoo about various politicians and their economists "fixing" the economic collapse. To fix the economy, they proposed doing what was done in the past under similar situation. Why not? This is what they do best. It is what they study at Harvard University and Yale University, et al. As a matter of fact, it is their own economic gameplan that has both created "booms" and suffered "busts." They suffer them gladly, as they don't suffer, typically, at all. Suffering is for the "little guy" (mensch).
Since one can rely upon Mr. Obama, who is no expert on money, economics or finance, to demand results, one can also expect a parade of big reputation types from colleges, universities, think tanks, Wall Street, Big Banks, and international corporations to advise him. The fact that Mr. Obama (no matter how quick he is) is dependent upon them, assures that he will try it their way. They are practiced liars, as actors and intelligence operatives usually are, and will rather convincingly lay down a "New Obama Economic Order," which they will easily sell to him and to Congress. As is always true with this group, the plan will combine "bank lending" (money creation via fractional banking), loans from the American people of the future to the American people now, loans from future Americans to American businesses now, and loans from our "friends" and "trading partners" to good pal, the U.S.A. (there may be some "jawboning" with nukes to get every friend and trading partner aboard).
After much pain and suffering for the little guy, the economy will slowly pick up for another run at a boom. However, the incredible levels of debt piled on by the last three Mexican Revolutionary Presidential leaders (the Arbustos and the Clintonistas) can only be managed by making the value of the U.S. "dollar" much less. Americans will puzzle that, though things are improving, they seem to still have a hard time paying their bills. The middle class shrinks, even as The Washington Post declares that things have never been so good for Americans.
The acting Kennedy family leader on Capitol Hill will demand that the minimum wage be raised, which will meet with cheers and salutes to his or her humanity. The fact that the level to which they wish it raised is only a modest fraction of what is required to live a day decently in America will not be commented upon.
Well, then, what should a truly sharp President Obama do? He should jetison his economic team over the Gaza Strip, and then return to the White House. He should order two copies of Col. Taylor's advice to Abraham Lincoln on the funding of his war to suppress the "Southern Revolt." He and his wife should tuck the girls in bed, turn out their lights, and go to a comfortable reading room in the White House. He and his wife should study the issue, discuss the matter, talk to a few trusted friends, and then TRULY save the American economy. If the Library of Congress tells the President that it cannot find any such data, Mr. Obama should then google the blog on this subject posted by Downnlaced.
I recently read an interesting Post on Blogline by JetINight on the way to get money into the economy. I recommend it.
Basically, JetINight proposed that the Department of the Treasury have the Bureau of the Mint print interest-free, legal tender, which would be 'greenback" dollars totally separate from the private banking system, known as the Federal Reserve. This is the successful proposal of Col. Taylor, in essence.
As long as it is legal U.S.A. tender for paying all debt and taxes, it will certainly be accepted. Any bank or international corporation that refused the money should be made liable, and the injured citizens allowed to sue that institution for ten times face value, utilizing the legal offices of the Department of Justice, as such refusal to accept U.S. legal tender would be an insult to the nation.
While JetINight did not offer a reasonable figure, I suggest that during the first year of the Obama Administration, it issue two trillion dollars in greenbacks, while ordering the Treasury Department to retire two trillion Federal Reserve Note "dollars." The next year, the Obama Administration would do the same. He should place anti-counterfeiting as a top priority, which should carry a mandatory death sentence. The next year, Mr. Obama should do the same thing. If he kept it up, then his administration would virtually eliminate debt in the Federal Government. He himself would go down in history as our greatest president. The nation would experience a boom unsurpassed and unequalled. In fact, this could be done while still financing the Levantine martial adventures. The only requirement is that he not be timid in regard tio the absolute level of legal tender printed. One trillion should be the minimum annual level. To do otherwise would be insufficient.
Since the financiers are thinly veiled revolutionary banditos, Mr. Obama will have to surround himself with trustworthy people. Abraham Lincoln tried to live a normal existence and that cost him his life.
According to JetINight, the new legal tender should be injected into the economy through the Small Business Administration directly as free grants to small businesses. The money should be parceled out rather evenly. Larger small businesses should not be markedly favored, effectively starving the smallest enterprises. Small businesses hire the great bulk of Americans. Both the small businesses and their employees would bank their checks normally. This would work to strengthen the banking system. The checks with actually represent on-hand greenbacks at a one-to-one basis. When these new Treasury checks are presented to the Treasury for payment, real currency would be sent to the banks. Eventually, this system would evolve into a cashless debit card system.
It should be realised that putting money into the people hands in a quick and responsible way is the object, also. The funding grants for small businesses answers this need.
Soon, perhaps during Mr. Obama's two terms, the Federal Reserve Act would be repealed, and the Jewish system of debt-mongering ended in America forever.
All rights reserved. Nomoonnight, 2009
Since one can rely upon Mr. Obama, who is no expert on money, economics or finance, to demand results, one can also expect a parade of big reputation types from colleges, universities, think tanks, Wall Street, Big Banks, and international corporations to advise him. The fact that Mr. Obama (no matter how quick he is) is dependent upon them, assures that he will try it their way. They are practiced liars, as actors and intelligence operatives usually are, and will rather convincingly lay down a "New Obama Economic Order," which they will easily sell to him and to Congress. As is always true with this group, the plan will combine "bank lending" (money creation via fractional banking), loans from the American people of the future to the American people now, loans from future Americans to American businesses now, and loans from our "friends" and "trading partners" to good pal, the U.S.A. (there may be some "jawboning" with nukes to get every friend and trading partner aboard).
After much pain and suffering for the little guy, the economy will slowly pick up for another run at a boom. However, the incredible levels of debt piled on by the last three Mexican Revolutionary Presidential leaders (the Arbustos and the Clintonistas) can only be managed by making the value of the U.S. "dollar" much less. Americans will puzzle that, though things are improving, they seem to still have a hard time paying their bills. The middle class shrinks, even as The Washington Post declares that things have never been so good for Americans.
The acting Kennedy family leader on Capitol Hill will demand that the minimum wage be raised, which will meet with cheers and salutes to his or her humanity. The fact that the level to which they wish it raised is only a modest fraction of what is required to live a day decently in America will not be commented upon.
Well, then, what should a truly sharp President Obama do? He should jetison his economic team over the Gaza Strip, and then return to the White House. He should order two copies of Col. Taylor's advice to Abraham Lincoln on the funding of his war to suppress the "Southern Revolt." He and his wife should tuck the girls in bed, turn out their lights, and go to a comfortable reading room in the White House. He and his wife should study the issue, discuss the matter, talk to a few trusted friends, and then TRULY save the American economy. If the Library of Congress tells the President that it cannot find any such data, Mr. Obama should then google the blog on this subject posted by Downnlaced.
I recently read an interesting Post on Blogline by JetINight on the way to get money into the economy. I recommend it.
Basically, JetINight proposed that the Department of the Treasury have the Bureau of the Mint print interest-free, legal tender, which would be 'greenback" dollars totally separate from the private banking system, known as the Federal Reserve. This is the successful proposal of Col. Taylor, in essence.
As long as it is legal U.S.A. tender for paying all debt and taxes, it will certainly be accepted. Any bank or international corporation that refused the money should be made liable, and the injured citizens allowed to sue that institution for ten times face value, utilizing the legal offices of the Department of Justice, as such refusal to accept U.S. legal tender would be an insult to the nation.
While JetINight did not offer a reasonable figure, I suggest that during the first year of the Obama Administration, it issue two trillion dollars in greenbacks, while ordering the Treasury Department to retire two trillion Federal Reserve Note "dollars." The next year, the Obama Administration would do the same. He should place anti-counterfeiting as a top priority, which should carry a mandatory death sentence. The next year, Mr. Obama should do the same thing. If he kept it up, then his administration would virtually eliminate debt in the Federal Government. He himself would go down in history as our greatest president. The nation would experience a boom unsurpassed and unequalled. In fact, this could be done while still financing the Levantine martial adventures. The only requirement is that he not be timid in regard tio the absolute level of legal tender printed. One trillion should be the minimum annual level. To do otherwise would be insufficient.
Since the financiers are thinly veiled revolutionary banditos, Mr. Obama will have to surround himself with trustworthy people. Abraham Lincoln tried to live a normal existence and that cost him his life.
According to JetINight, the new legal tender should be injected into the economy through the Small Business Administration directly as free grants to small businesses. The money should be parceled out rather evenly. Larger small businesses should not be markedly favored, effectively starving the smallest enterprises. Small businesses hire the great bulk of Americans. Both the small businesses and their employees would bank their checks normally. This would work to strengthen the banking system. The checks with actually represent on-hand greenbacks at a one-to-one basis. When these new Treasury checks are presented to the Treasury for payment, real currency would be sent to the banks. Eventually, this system would evolve into a cashless debit card system.
It should be realised that putting money into the people hands in a quick and responsible way is the object, also. The funding grants for small businesses answers this need.
Soon, perhaps during Mr. Obama's two terms, the Federal Reserve Act would be repealed, and the Jewish system of debt-mongering ended in America forever.
All rights reserved. Nomoonnight, 2009
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