Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Although I haven't been attending to the chase for the White House too carefully so far, I believe that the media has settled on Senator John McCain for the Republicans and Obama/Clinton for the Democrats. In the latter case the issue isn't absolutely clear, but the media seem inclined toward Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton.

My hunch is that the race will finally be between Hillary and John, the Terrorist Slayer. I may be wrong, but the Clintons are experienced "in-fighters" and know how to suddenly and magically get the required votes. Mr. Billy Jeff Clinton has hung around C.I.A. "agents of change" long enough to reliably get the necessary number of votes. No doubt, his dear friend "Daddy" Bush could give him some pointers, if any were needed.

One of the most interesting things about the Clintons has been the "body count" that has tolled in the lengthy wake of their political careers. The great bulk of the suspicious deaths occurred in Arkansas, usually to people who got a peek at the drug-running into Mena, Arkansas, allegedly by contract operatives of the C.I.A., or who knew too much about the suspicious deaths or other unlawful acivities, such as "hits," the Whitewater speculations, and so on. However, from Ron Brown to Vince Foster the body count continued along with the Clintons to Washington, D.C.

For a long time I've speculated that "Murder, Incorporated" never ceased to exist, but rather it was a test project that was deemed a success and moved on up into the federal government, although not exclusively there. Meyer Lansky was the real leader of the syndicate, but he himself may have been a "pawn in the game." This, if true, would give more than a little hint at the shadowy power that informs and controls the Resident Evil, which itself controls the U.S.A. and spreads across the industrialized world, sucking the vitality out of the former nation-states.

It seems a good bet that the C.I.A. itself was infiltrated by the Syndicate spirit, judging from the not infrequent association with "organized crime" for this project or that, as well as its participation in opium and cocaine distribution. I believe that "protection" may have been another moneymaking racket.

Meyer Lansky had a daughter named Mira Lansky who married, it seems, someone named "Boland." Mira Lansky Boland was, and possibly still is, an attorney employed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith ["ADL"], the alleged unregistered agent of the State of Israel (sic). The ADL operates, amongst other things, a spying section, which collects dossiers on people it believes are a "threat" to Jewry. Spying, lawsuits, and lobbying influential people and associations seem to be the top activities, but you never know the real purpose of "intelligence" operations. They don't seem to be benign at any rate.

All such groups as the C.I.A. and A.D.L. seem to hover in the background of the Clintons. They seem to know a lot of powerful folks all around the globe. There is a good bet such people are not benign, either. Billy Jeff Clinton is said to be a rapist, amongst other allegations. Funny thing is that he always seems to prevail. With such luck it isn't surprising that more charges of rape, suspicious deaths, etc., seem to keep cropping up. Billy Jeff Clinton is some sort of serial something. No one seems to want to say what. Maybe it's the body count factor.

As for Hillary, she was described by some journalist as an unreconstructed "Bolshevik." Also, she has been described as a "street-fighting radical," as I recall. If so, she's a rich one now, as she is said to be worth $50 million. She's come a long way since Don Tyson took her under his "chicken wing," to run a few thousand dollars into $100,000.

The Clintons weren't the first nor last cast of "shady" characters Americans have swooned over and put in the White House (assuming ballot counting is roughly honest). This leads to the question: Are the American people just a bunch of petty criminals who naturally are attracted to the "big bad boys" (and girls)? There is clearly something wrong--bad wrong--with the American culture. Need more evidence?

According to a lengthy article appearing in the American Free Press, written by well-known author Michael Collins Piper, Senator John McCain is the beneficiary of highly dubious power-brokers. The article states that "The Bronfmans are the 'godfathers' behind the political career of John McCain." The article continues: "McCain's father-in-law got his start as a top henchman for Kemper Marley, who, for 40 years until his death in 1990 at age 84, was the undisputed behind-the scenes political boss of Arizona. But Marley was much more than a machine politician. In fact, he was also the Lansky crime syndicate's top man in Arizona, the protege of a Lansky lieutenant, Phoenix gambler Gus Greenbaum."

Now,it should be noted that John McCain married Jim Hensley's daughter, Cindy. Jim Hensley worked for Kemper Marley, and it is said that he took "the fall" for Kemper during a federal liquor violations investigation. When Hensley got out of prison, Marley set him up in the beer distribution business, which is said today to be "worth $200 million." It is "what largely financed John McCain's political career. The support from the Bronfman-Marley-Hensley network was integral to McCain's rise to power."

As Elizabeth Taylor noted: "Money is the best deodorant." Well, certainly in America, it makes a lot of difference.

Interestingly, the lawyer handling the Hensley legal defense, at least in one major instance was later to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. It was William Rehnquist "who handled Hensley's legal defense, forging the deal that set in motion Hensley's windfall (that now benefits McCain). Rehnquist was to be later "joined on the court by one of his own former girlfriends from Arizona, Sandra Day O'Connor."

This article is chock full of names such as Sam Bronfman, Meyer Lansky, Edgar Bronfman, the Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, Armand Hammer, Jack Ruby, Gus Greenbaum, Kemper Marley, Benjamin "Budsy" Siegel, Al Lizanitz,Jacobs and, of course, Jim Hensley (John McCain's father-in-law).

The article speculates that this association may be natural. According to it, "Doing Israel's bidding is a McCain family tradition. Following Israel's 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, resulting in the murder of 34 Americans, McCain's father, Adm. John McCain, was one of the key players inside the U.S. Navy helping cover up the deliberate nature of Israel's savage attack. 'Like father, like son' clearly means something when it comes to the McCains."

Yet, it would be wrong to say that John McCain is personally guilty of any unsavory deeds. His wife cannot be responsible for her father's legal mistakes, either. Nevertheless, can one dwell near sewage without picking up a hint of foulness? His innocence isn't known with certainty either. We must be brave enough to face the issues of our time. We know that a significant portion of the problems that Americans face can be met in the mirrors of scores of millions of homes each day. We have met the enemy: He is us! Babylon, mon amour.


Anonymous said...

Nice try...

Except that Mira lansky was born in late 50s...

Nice to see your brain works well.

The Great American Circus said...

Greetings Anonymous,

Thanks for providing Mira Lansky Boland's approximate DOB. Your comment appears to be a non sequitur. However, regardless, it leaves me the opportunity to note that the author of TOUGH JEWS believed that the kids of Jews who once became gangsters now are CEOs and lawyers. That would help to explain our present economic duress, don't you think? Surely, the Mira apple did not fall far from the Meyer tree.