Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The thought of Israel Firster John McCain as President of the United States of America just doesn't sit well with me. It seems that a nation ought to be able to find someone for president who's out for America first. Supporters of John McCain say he is a patriot and supports America, as do most veterans. If he does support America, he most likely does in the sense of the "PanAmerican Union," favored by the Rockefeller condominium of powerful people and organizations.

As a long time disciple of Zionism's Trotskyites-turned-neo-conservatives, which crowd manifest itself like some form of advanced skin-cancer, dotting the surface of the Arbusto presidency, there can be little doubt what foreign policies he'll follow: Kill Israeli enemies, John, kill Israeli enemies! Given his alleged mental instability and outbursts of rage, his controllers may keep him on doses of thorazine most of the time--just as a precaution.

Some critics have, in fact, suggested that John McCain is a Manchurian Candidate of some sort. Although most ordinary American citizens who have had military experience look upon Testy John as a sound, manly patriot, this view is typically founded on their own fantasies, rather than facts and credible evidence. Consider some of the counter evidence:

1.) Dennis Johnson, a graduate of Officer Candidate School, was brought into Hanoi with a broken leg that was never treated. He saw McCain only a few times but heard much about his clean clothes, being showered and clean shaven and always with a few NVA officers during his stint at the "Hilton."
"He received special treatment and was sent to the hospital days after he arrived because he agreed to cooperate, and yes, he did give radio broadcasts for the NVA, not only to North Vietnam but broadcast over the camp speakers," Johnson said. "None of the other prisoners wanted anything to do with him because of these issues. It makes me sick to hear him called a war hero. He was worse than Fonda, for she was just an idiot, but McCain was supposed to be one of us." [American Free Press, February 18, 2008, p.11, art. by Pat Shannan]

I submit to you that if he is elected president, the day will soon arrived when men and women throughout this land will say: He was supposed to be one of us." The fact that the media has welcomed his advance on the White House and treated him kindly reflects McCain's widely known support of the Israeli cause (fighting "rogue states"--mostly non-docile states occupying Eretz Israel). His election would speed up the transition of a sovereign U.S.A. into an Israeli Colony, run by a governing Supreme Colonial Council. What is de facto may well become de jure under two John McCain administrations.

Mr. Mitt Romney has gotten on board with Testy John. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! He may well hope to be the Vice President to McCain's President Grouchy. (This opens up the possibility of President Grouchy being replaced by President Groucho.) For surely the possibility of the "mean old man" dying in office hasn't eluded Mitt Romney.

Mr. Romney is a Mormon. This is a religion that, among other things, believes that the Anglo-Saxon people are descended from the Northern Kingdom of Israel and are, therefore, primarily the seed of Ephraim and Manasseh. This is probably correct. But what is truly bizarre about the Mormons is that the think that Jews are descended from the Judahites. Jews are known to be a mixed multitude. The seedlines of Esau, Canaan, and Ismael had found their way into the Southern Kingdom before the advent of Yahshua. At the time of Yahshua's tribulations, the High Priest Caiphas, the king Herod, and most of their priests and courtiers were Edomite Jews. No wonder some of them told Yahshua that they were of the seed of Abraham but had never been slaves!

The point of all this is to say that Mitt Romney will bend to the will of the Jews, as he tries to please them. Radio station WTOP is owned by Mormons. They have installed a vast crew of Jews to address the issues of the day. Needless to say, material omissions are the order of the day--every day. As an example, Mr. Ron Paul is hardly ever mentioned as a candidate for president. Mr. Tancredi was dismissed as a "one-issue" (immigration) candidate. WTOP loves the Latino invasion. Hardly a day goes by without scary references to Iran. Most "experts" sought out by this station are Jews or "terrorist-mongers."

Parenthetically, no one has ever explained to me how "democracy" can exist with minority rule. At one time Jewish-led political forces, including media, inveighed against the "tyranny of the majority" (democracy). Now that a Jewish dominated minority-rule government is in place, criticism of this situation brings forth hoodlums to decry "anti-semitism." In about 100 years Jews managed to immigrate from Europe and Russia and install themselves as practically the dictatorship of the "workers" (the term now must include those who had a job, or at one time wanted a job, as well as those who hold jobs now).

Don't look for "Christian" preachers or Catholic priests to come forth to preach the merits of our original form of government. To them goodies come from blessing Jews.

Therefore, the favorite of the neo-con Jews is John McCain. Therefore the favorite of Zionist "Christians" is likely to be McCain. He may go all the way.

Hold on there, partner. The Clinton gang is still riding, and if Hillary get the nod over Barack Obama, then some of John McCain's "dark secrets" from his POW days may come to the surface. As the Clintons are perfectly acceptable to many Jews (they both have Jewish antecedents, it seems,-- certainly Hillary), a changing of horses may occur in mid-stream, as the saying goes. Consider:

2.) "The Clintons have been talking with a former Soviet translator who was present at interrogations at several North Vietnam prisons because his father was in charge of the Hanoi Hilton, under the direction of the Soviet armed forces. One of these prisoners was McCain, shot down, wounded and captured on Oct. 26, 1967. The following July, McCain's father, Adm. J.S. McCain, was made commander of all military forces in the Vietnam theater. Upon learning this, the Vietnamese offered to release the younger McCain....
"Yet the offer of release would have to have been approved by the Soviet overseers of the North Vietnamese, and the translator does not recall any such offer being made. McCain's rejection of early release may have caused the offer to be dropped before high-level discussions.
"According to the translator, McCain made an 'accommodation' with his captors, and, in exchange, the translator's father saw to it that he was provided with an apartment in Hanoi and the services of two prostitutes. Upon returning to his prison cell, he would say he had been held in solitary confinement.
"That may be why so many of his fellow prisoners said later they saw so little of him at Hoa Loa Prison," [Jack] Wheeler suggested. [Wheeler is a Republican insider described as 'extremely well connected and a fascinating geopolitical analyst credited with being one of the architects of the Reagan Doctrine.'] [American Free Press, supra]

One cannot help but wonder if John McCain is a member of long standing in the Council on Foreign Affairs. It's long reach might have assured John McCain "boogie nights" in Las Orient Vegas.

3.) "In November of 1991, when Tracy Usry, the former chief investigator for the minority staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, testified before the Select Committee, he said the Soviets interrograted U.S. prisoners of war in Vietnam. McCain, incensed, rudely interrupted Usry several times, yelling that 'none of the returned U.S. POW's released by Vietnam was ever interrogated by the Soviets.' However, the evidence shows that McCain was lying and had first-hand knowledge that the charge was true, unless he had been programmed to forget it...." [American Free Press, supra]

As Testy John is the attack dog of some really sinister forces in America, there is not much chance that anyone will see his "spots change." He may be deranged. Consider:

4.) "Negative information written over the years about John McCain by those who know him best is immense, and it all is surfacing again with his run for the White House....Most fellow senators discuss his shortcomings only in private, of course, but a large number believe him to be psychologically unstable. Some, such as former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), and Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Dick Shelby (R-Ala.) have related the times McCain screamed four-letter obscenities in their faces in the Senate cloakroom.
"'The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine,' said Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) Another who preferred to remain unnamed said, 'The man is unhinged. He is frighteningly unfit to be commander-in-chief.' " [American Free Press, supra)

Well, if it is any comfort, McCain's Jewish controls won't let him runamuck. He will be a sort of incarnate guided missile, blowing up Iran and other "rogue" states (assuming that "W" doesn't beat him to the kill.) If need be, Testy John can be poisoned, perhaps allowing the more stable personality of Mitt Romney, or some similar type, to ascend to the "colonial hotseat." At any rate it should be an interesting election.

1 comment:

Nicole Neroulias said...

It'll be interesting to see how support or opposition from Vietnam veterans will impact McCain's campaign, especially as it hits snags like today's allegations about the affair with the lobbyist. (We're beginning to discuss this at, too.)