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Donald Graham |
Faux News Press (FNP)_Washington, D.C.:
This is a breaking story. FNP has learned that Donald Graham has become a "person of interest" in the Chandra Levy case.
A very high source in the California State Attorney's Office, who requested anonymity for this information, confirmed that Mr. Donald Graham was thought to be involved in the death of Chandra Levy.
FNP has sounded out our West Coast contacts to get a better picture of how things stand. Our best sources agree that data had been gathered by California police, which established a circumstantial connection between Mr. Graham and Ms. Levy, and that it will be revealed to the proper Washington, D.C. authorities soon.
FNP has sounded out our West Coast contacts to get a better picture of how things stand. Our best sources agree that data had been gathered by California police, which established a circumstantial connection between Mr. Graham and Ms. Levy, and that it will be revealed to the proper Washington, D.C. authorities soon.
One of the sources in the West Coast investigation was thought to be Patty "Machine Gun" Hearst, who has had a longtime friendship with the strange Donnie Graham. This media mogul would not return FNP's telephone calls to Hearst Publications.
Nevertheless, FNP has been able to piece together a very general understanding of the facts of the case and the issues at law.
By now most people were aware of Chandra Levy's relationship with Congressman Gary Condit. It was an illicit affair, as Condit was married. Why would the young intern get intimately involved with Representative Condit?
As we have suggested in the past, one scenario involving Ms. Levy was that she was enlisted by the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency famed for its deceit in pursuit of a successful mission. If in fact she was a tool of the Mossad, her part in its mission would be to spy on Rep. Condit, who headed a House Subcommittee on Intelligence. It has been said that we live in an Age of Information. Control of information was power. Intelligence was the key to control.
Assuming Ms. Levy was devoted to the Israeli State, her devotion to its cause was probably complete. She would give up her body, if it would bring security to the Jewish State. She was a soldier.
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Chandra Levy |
However, if Ms. Levy "fell for" Rep. Condit unexpectedly, then she might be deemed a toxic asset by the Mossad. Then it might be necessary to terminate Ms. Levy and blame the crime on a patsy.
By using advanced forensic counterfeiting, Chandra's simulated teeth, DNA, bones and clothing could be hidden at a remote part of the Rock Creek Park. Counting on D.C. Metropolitan Police to be reluctant to search thick out-of-the-way terrain, the Mossad could let the "remains" weather according to local conditions. Then they could send an operative to walk the dog in that remote area, and, in the process he would discover her "remains," notifying police soon thereafter.
The Mossad would count on the U.S. Park police to arrive first. Observation of their work in the Vince Foster case would have made the Mossad confident that they would quickly fall for the ruse.
However, there was also the possibility that the Mossad might view Chandra Levy as a "diamond in the rough" who merely needed to be educated and refined in her craft. In this scenario the real Chandra Levy might actually have been taken to the Israeli state, where she could be trained for additional espionage - possibly in Europe or the Levant. With her hair dyed blonde, only her parents would be able to reckonize her, but they would not be looking, as they would think that she was dead.
The Israeli Embassy has refused to comment on this issue.
In the past we offered a second scenario, and it is this scenario that interested the West Coast authorities. Our scenario went thusly:
Chandra Levy had been a journalist major in college. Although such a degree would make Ms. Levy even more interesting to the Mossad, they might not be alone. Katherine Meyer Graham was the head of one of the nation's most successful media empires, led by The Washington Post. The Post undoubtedly had an eye out for promising young journalists.
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Katherine Meyer Graham |
One can easily imagine Katherine Meyer Graham inviting some key representatives to the Post penthouse for "off the record" discussions. Among these might well be Rep. Condit. Perhaps on another occasion such as a gala for some worthy cause, Katherine Meyer Graham might encounter Rep. Condit, who would be seen escorting Chandra Levy, as his wife might have taken ill and bid him to "get a gal from the office to go with you."FNP had speculated that Mrs. Graham had liked the young intern at once. Learning that she had a degree in journalism, Katherine Meyer Graham most certainly would have urged her to consider a career at The Washington Post. She probably invited Chandra to a private party - "Just us girls!" - so that Rep. Condit would not be offended nor offer objection.
The gathered evidence pointed to a budding love affair between the powerful Katherine and the bright young Chandra. One highly regarded Graham-watcher told FNP that Mrs. Graham shared with Chandra her fear of Donnie. According to this source, the plucky Chandra was incensed at the thought of anyone hurting Katherine.
If this speculation proved to be correct, then immediately it would have establish a dangerous triangle of Katherine, Chandra and Donnie. Sources close to the Graham family have maintained that Donald Graham was insanely jealous of his mother. He had seen her take away one lover, and now she was betraying the memory of Phillip Graham, who had died under suspicious circumstances, when he appeared to be planning to steal The Washington Post from Katherine, divorce her, and take up with his mistress.
FNP underlines this point: It was not a same-sex issue.
Donald Graham had proven to be an amiable oddball, who had accomplished little in life on his own. His lush, hedonistic lifestyle did not commend him as a workaday prospect. Yet, some Graham observers have maintained that Donnie's personality had changed over the last few years. It was a darker, brooding one.
Surely, Donnie must have worried about his future. If his mother gave The Washington Post to her new protege, Chandra Levy, what would become of Donnie?
According to Graham watchers, at a dinner party given by Katherine, Donnie had met Chandra, who had laughed at him. These sources stated that Donald had fled to his room, locked the door, and watched Richard Widmark movies. Sometimes, these sources claimed, they had hear "cackling" sounds coming from Donald's room.
These, then, were the steamy conditions surrounding the "triangle of passion."
The case preparation in California suggested that Donnie had lured Chandra Levy to his apartment on some pretext. After she had arrived, either Donald, or Emil, or both strangled Ms. Levy. They waited until dark. Then they stealthily carried her in a box to a large SUV, wherein they shoved the box. They drove toward the west side of the wooded area of Rock Creek Park. They parked and watched.
When it was clear that no one was about, they proceeded. Although Chandra Levy was a short woman and slender, authorities speculated that Emil carried the body on his shoulder. It was likely that a blanket or quilt covered her body. Even if the police drove near, they would not likely bother them, supposing that some sort of romantic interlude was imminent.
California Police speculated that Donnie led the way, using a small flashlight now and then as they proceeded into the thick, viney woods. When a suitable spot was found by Donnie, he signaled Emil. The huge Haitian Mandingo would then drop the body at the indicated spot. Immediately, the body would be "lost" in the grass, brush and vines.
Whether Donnie and Emil lingered nearby to provide a credible "cover story" cannot be known at this time.
FNP has learned from well-established Graham-watchers that Katherine Meyer Graham was very agitated during this time period. Privately, she must have been very worried about Chandra's absence. There have been unofficial reports of her frantically calling Rep. Condit, the Levy family, and her close advisors to find Chandra. Her life had had to endure so much, and now Chandra!
After his stint in Vietnam where Donnie was rumored to have assisted the C.I.A. in the Golden Triangle, he returned to Washington, D.C., where he briefly worked as a police officer with the Metropolitan Police. There, he made some lifelong friends, and he was able to help them in their careers as police officers over the years. The Washington Post was known to be close to the leadership of the Metropolitan Police, just as it was close to those at the C.I.A. and at the Pentagon.
Due to the D.C. Metropolitan Police considering Donnie "one of them," no investigation of Donald Graham as a potential "person of interest" had been initiated to this date. Usually reliable sources on the police beat have reported to FNP that they have heard nothing. Our own investigation has turned up no local investigation of Donald Graham.
Recently, cub reporters at The Washington Post have published a "complete" book on the "Chandra Levy murder."
Many have viewed the book as a Catharine Weymouth-engineered attempt to throw any investigators off the scent of Uncle Donald Graham. Its timing was a bit too perfect, as the Latino "patsy" was about to get his day in "kangaroo" court.
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Cathy Weymouth |
Many have viewed the book as a Catharine Weymouth-engineered attempt to throw any investigators off the scent of Uncle Donald Graham. Its timing was a bit too perfect, as the Latino "patsy" was about to get his day in "kangaroo" court.
Has Donald Graham gotten away with it?
If Katherine Meyer Graham did learn of Donnie's involvement, then she must have known that she was in danger. Only a couple of months had passed since Chandra's unexplained disappearance, when the world learned of Katherine's "accidental fall" in Wyoming. California authorities realised that the triangle was crumbling before their eyes.
FNP will keep our eyes on this story.
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