There have been persistent rumors floating about Washington that the Chairman of The Washington Post Company, Donald E. Graham, was now a woman.
According to one anonymous source, the late Katherine Meyer Graham had kept a stable of Haitian Mandingoes in plush digs near the company offices at 15th & L Streets, NW Washington, D.C. According to this source, Donald fell in love with one of these Haitians. His name was either Emil or Ariel. He was, unfortunately, also Katherine’s favorite lover.
There had been numerous allegations of instability in Donald Graham, but fear of the wrath of this powerful family induced an almost uniform soto voce character to such expressions.
According to one usually reliable source, this triangle became increasingly acrimonious, as Donald’s jealousy toward his mother grew deeper. He suffered from not merely frustration but a deep sense of wanton wounding. His mother could have had any of the Mandingoes. Why did she have to spend all her free time with Emil? There had been a suggestion, according to this source, that Donald grew to believe that his mother was doing it intentionally to spite him, to mock him, and to keep him deprived of the love he sought so urgently.
Knowledgeable observers of this unsavory situation began to fear that something terrible was going to happen. When the first reports of Katherine Meyer Graham’s “accident” in Wyoming were received in the Washington, D.C. area, there were many quick, shared glances amongst those privileged to be part of this great family’s friends, associates, servants, and contractors. These were they who had come to know something of this awkward love triangle.
For all his oddness and instability, Donald Graham had made many strong and useful acquaintances. From his father, Philip L. Graham, he had inherited many close, well-connected C.I.A. officials. Such men were well-accustomed to “odd-balls” and would have thought nothing particularly strange about Donald.
Too, Donald spent a period of time in the military in Vietnam. Many shrewd observers suspected that he worked for the C.I.A. clandestinely. Rumors of drug-dealing naturally arose, given the assumed C.I.A. connection.
When he returned to the U.S.A., Donald briefly joined the D.C. Metropolitan police. Several anonymous observers believed that he had made private contacts amongst the most promising young officers, sealing these relationships over the years. Most of these observers believed that Donald had been able to influence the decisions about which police officer went to which key department within the Metropolitan police organization. These relationships, sources suggested, would gain for Donald access to men who would be willing to do just about anything for the right “payday.”
His position at The Washington Post, his relationship with the C.I.A., and his relationship with the Metropolitan Police Department provided Donald Graham with levers for “hushing” or “covering up” matters that ordinary mortals could not. Not even Katherine Meyer Graham had such connections.
The death of Katherine Meyer Graham had surprised many. Mourners would stop by the imposing Graham estate to pay their respects. Some would later report that Donald had been upstairs in seclusion. They reported hearing him wailing at his loss, but a few of these had observed that the sounds were more like “cackling.”
Knowledgeable observers of the Washington, D.C. scene have sworn that Donald moved into the plush digs where the Haitian Mandingos had lived. According to these anonymous reporters, Donald sent all the Haitians home, excepting Emil.
Unfortunately, the old triangle existed as a shadow, because Emil had a genuine, sensual love for Katherine. According to a highly-placed Graham-family observer, distraught by this lingering intrusion of his mother into his love-life, he had promised Emil that he, Donald, would become like “Mother.”
More than a few people had been aware of the alleged “prostate” operation which Donald underwent. Such operations have occurred each year in the United States in the scores of thousands, give or take. Most of these operations had been what they had been said to have been. Yet, in the case of Donald Graham, something different was said to have occurred. Anonymous but usually reliable sources state unequivocally that special surgeons had been present. It was said that they had brought along their own special nurses. Further, according to knowledgeable medical personnel, there were pieces of equipment brought into the operating room never used for a simple prostate removal procedure. They hadn't known what such devices were used for. Furthermore, hardly had the prostate operation reached a level of immediacy, when all the regular surgeons were replaced by these other doctors. The regular doctors had walked out of the operating room, along with the nurses who usually assisted at such operations. They were replaced by a team of surgeons who had flown from Switzerland just to operate on Donald. Lastly, the operation on Donald Graham took far more time than a typical prostate removal would have taken.
Although the matter has not been conclusively determined, as Donald Graham has refused all suggestions that a neutral medical specialist check his postoperative condition, rumors about a sex-change operation have grown. There were rumors that he may have had a realistic, penial-scrotal prosthesis constructed, perhaps from molds of his actual, original equipment. The great wealth of the Graham family made such a fantasy operation actually achievable. The great power of The Washington Post made a “cover-up” plausible. Having friends in high places at the C.I.A. and the D.C. Metropolitan Police, can’t hurt. Further, there could be no doubt that the elite like to hang out together, preferably behind high walls or fences and guarded by well-trained security, whose price tag made them available only to the rich. The rich were special and, perhaps, strange.
There was, perhaps, this last item. The quality of this report was not so solid, however. There was a source that stated emphatically that Donald and Emil lived together as often as possible in the plush digs originally provided by Katherine Meyer Graham. Emil was said to be very happy about Donald’s operation. Lastly, this source claimed that they loved to watch Richard Widmark films together.
Some FNP readers may object that this story isn't hard news. To some it may appear to be the sort of thing one might encounter on Entertainment Today and not suited to a great news outlet such as FNP. However, the "movers and shakers" in America deserve to be accorded special attention. People such as Donald Graham aren't like you and me. The people must know.
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