Saturday, April 28, 2012


Ever since the great assembly in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss global problems, most prominently that of global warming, that latter issue seemed to have been - excuse the expression - put on ice. What gives?

Even President Obama and Michelle flew to Copenhagen to lobby the representatives of the "world community" on the urgent need for action. More than a few weeks have passed since then, and there has been no further alarming pronouncements.

Desperate for the latest knowledge, I attempted to contact former "world community" spokesperson, Condoleezza Rice. I had no luck.

Cynical friends have opined that the fact that much of North America, Great Britain and Europe were dealing with unusually cold weather made jeremiads about "global warming" seem oddly inappropriate. Some viewed such preaching questionable at any rate. Given the tons of snow that fell upon Great Britain and straight across to Germany and beyond, warnings of global warming and melting Polar Regions seemed downright ludicrous.

No wonder, then, that the Great Chill gave birth to the Great Silence. However, this issue is not likely to go away. To quote Alexander Pope:

" 'Tis with our judgement, as our watches; None go just alike, and each believes his own."

January 25, 2010

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