Thursday, April 26, 2012


Having taken a week or so to ponder President Obama's schlepping a pedestrian arrest issue into front page news -- for almost a week, I make bold to declare that Mr. Obama should cease to act like some college smart-aleck and just be presidential. Mr. Obama was elected to concentrate on solving major issues that -- hello? -- aren't solved yet. There is the growing perception that the president has grown a little tired of coping unsuccessfully with the "biggies" and now would like to delegate all these matters to cabinet member "patsies," while he considers whether his 3/4 profile is better from the left side or the right. Mr. Obama is a fine orator, when he takes the time to consider his words, and it is our hope that he will utilize the "no comment" statement, when asked a banal or unworthy question, excepting those occasions when he can slip in a good "one-liner" that allows almost everyone a laugh. We aren't against humor; we're against the president's instinct to be a South Chicago politician, rather than a statesman and national leader.

July 30, 2009

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