Saturday, April 28, 2012


While listening to a news report around the 13th April, a learned individual provided information to the effect that the Pentagon planners had considered recent times dire enough to continence a "world economic collapse" scenario. Perhaps it has been finally realized that the great banks and investment companies are possessors of weapons of mass destruction. Since debt is their primary "product," as well as banks' primary weapon of international intimidation, they have amassed considerable leverage.

Now, let me make clear that in terms of America, the great banks are few in number but control upward of 80% of total bank reserves. They are the great "money creators," using deposits from the Federal Reserve, federal government, and other depositors to make theoretically infinite numbers of down-tier loans. These loans are denominated in United States Dollars. They have no physical reality. What has no substance can vanish quickly or be "reborn" as something else. In films these are usually monsters. In the political economy they are derivatives.

These great banks and investment groups may also invest in Treasury Bonds, state bonds, international bonds, or in packages of debt instruments known as derivatives. What they issue as a loan to a borrower is "money." It is so denominated and so employed. Through the "miracle" of fractional banking and the Federal Reserve System, perhaps 90% of this "new money" (a bank loan to a borrower) can be loaned to another borrower, once deposited. What that borrower received as a loan is denominated in U.S. Dollars and so deposited somewhere in the banking system.

This process is repeated as long as rationally feasible. It is most pronounced during "bubbles." A controlled deflation of this bubble may eventually achieve a certain state of banking sanity. An uncontrolled one is a frightening implosion of the structure of conceptual money. Such money without substance vanishes fast. The political economy is in big trouble, and pundits and sages talk of a Great Depression.

Although "conservatives" laud the "capitalist system," our system is 99% credit. Derivative debt alone has been estimated at something in the order of $56 trillion. These credits are "promises to pay" that typically translate to be the coerced labor of the general mass of people, due to the fact that their labor is the ultimate collateral. That is the hidden meaning of national debt. That most nations are led by traitors to the general population, which is the nation, is certain. Otherwise, there would be no such system. A course of action that will lead to massive bondage in the future doesn't seem to be Lincolnesque to me.

American leaders always help the great banks first in times of great deflation, as loans implode into nothingness and "money" vanishes. It would be simpler and more productive to send money directly to the people to deposit in local banks, and to let relentlessly mismanaged banks such as CitiCorp collapse. It would be simpler to send free grants of money to small businesses than to the inept "great banks." Let small businesses deposit the checks in the banks of their choosing. Issue the interest-free money directly from the Treasury to small business and adult Americans and the national debt would not increase; it would decrease as real money entered the system. The end of "funny money" and the return to Treasury issued, interest free dollars, wedded to an end to fractional banking, would be the beginning of "the Great Society." Let there be national reserve banks for the people in every state, not Federal Reserve Banks for the privileged.

All forms of debt are international. It is true that gold is - or might be - internationally accepted, if the leaders of the world's nations allowed it unhampered movement. However, only debt is given this "courtesy."

I do not advocate gold as a national currency. I advocate a closed domestic currency that is one hundred percent computerized, that is issued directly by the Treasury, that works in conjunction with national banks throughout the states, and that are accessible by debit cards issued by the Treasury to every citizen. Since usury would be outlawed, all bank accounts, including the federal government and state governments, would be checking accounts. Money would be spent into the economy by the Treasury, persuant to needful legislation, such as building roads, bridges, trains and rails, merchant ships, harbors, dams, stocking natural resources for sale to private enterprises, building and operating utilities, waterworks, and so on. Once the money liquifies the political economy, various enterprises may be entered into by those who wish to realize a dream. This is a society of plenty. Willful men cannot control people who are independent of their purses.

The power of a debt system is that a few at the top of the debt pyramid can control the entire lower system. It is good for the "hidden masters," unless the whole thing collapses like the Tower of Babel.

An interesting aspect of all this is that, although debt is international in its nature, knowing no boundaries, the various Lords of Debt may be a gaggle of provincial interests who speak the language of globalism but who harbor distinctly limited visions of its final manifestation. They may fall apart at the end. I expect this to occur between 2020 and 2025 A.D.

Therefore, I expect this nation and the world to crawl out of the hole into which all have fallen. There should be another fourteen years before final disaster. I assume that no fundamental changes to the global system of debt-engendered money will occur. As substantiation of this, I believe that I heard correctly on the radio that Goldman Sachs, formerly a preeminent investment bank, whose partners tended to support Barack Obama "big time" in his election race, had profits for the first quarter of one billion dollars. Quid pro quo? I can't say, but this datum is consistent with the American leadership's First Rule of Governance: Bail out the Big Banks. Usury on debt is unGodly, so the present world establishment will in the end become the Great Adversary.

Does that scare you?

"Fear not, little sheep..."

April, 2009

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