Saturday, April 28, 2012


Several blogs ago, I voiced the opinion certain that President Obama needed to get money to small businesses. This was only one of my suggestions for getting money directly into the hands of the general citizenry. Small business has for years been the major source of employment for working Americans. Hence, it was only common sense to provide "dividends" or outright grants to small business to halt their perilous slide toward their extinction.

The money would return in taxes. But before that occurred, the money would have been banked by small businesses at the bank of their choice. This would have helped the smaller banks who are most directly related to small businesses, while lessening the pressure on them to "call in" loans. The latter situation only worsens an economic slide, as money is extinguished from circulation in the process of calling in the loans.

Alas, President Obama chose to first help the dinosaur mega-banks, beginning with Citigroup and Goldman Sachs.

Both of these were led by people who were politically influential. The financial support of Barack Obama's campaign by "bigwigs" at Goldman Sachs would naturally be "remembered." The AIG rescue again centered on an influential VIP of business. Good Gussie! The assumption of a political quid pro quo is utterly mundane. However, I lobbied by means of my blog for the general citizenry first, as well as small business. Emphatically, I opposed putting the interests of mega-banks first.

I believe that I've lost every fight I've ever engaged in. No matter! Why? Because I have been right. If being right isn't motivation to continue, what would be? Money? Sadly, for many the answer is just that. Mega-banks are dominated by this sort. For me the lure of an idea trumps the ability to buy things I don't need nor even have the time to enjoy.

However, money does bring political recognition and may bring power as well. Speaking of motivation, Dr. Henry Kissinger stated decades back that "money was the best aphrodisiac." Is Dr. Kissinger's "days of aphrodisiac bliss" over? General Jones allegedly stated recently that he gets his orders from Dr. Kissinger. There is food for thought!

The mega-banks, mega-corporations, and mega-egos all seem to constitute a "me-first" elite that is anything but wholesome for America or the world community.

I therefore applaud President Obama finally making a move to get federal funding going toward the remaining small businesses in America. For many of them it's not too late.

December 12, 2009

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