Friday, April 27, 2012


The recent coverage of President Obama has appeared to be a conscious effort to associate him and his wife, Michelle, with the late President John F. Kennedy and his First Lady, Jacqueline, and their "Camelot Reich." The media has given Mr. Barack Obama a generally enthusiastic reception. There are great hopes expressed for his success in "changing" America. Beneath the glamour and the image of decisiveness resides the reality. He almost seems to be following a script.

Many of us who remember those Kennedy presidential days can still "see" the President, his brothers, family and friends out in the yard playing as vigorous a brand of football as they could muster. Rafer Johnson, the Olympian, or Rosy Greer, the professional football player, might well be there, joining in the fun. They all seemed youthful and energetic.

Today, Barack Obama likes to "toss at the hoops." He is seen, sometimes, practicing for the fun and challenge with top college squads. He probably has done a few "one on ones" with the Wizards professional basketball team. Again, the public sees a young, vigorous man at play, who is also that confident, cool politician and statesman they see, also, on television.

At this point in time President Obama has faced down Mr. Wagner of General Motors, much as President Kennedy faced down the head of the U.S. Steel Corporation early in his administration. Although it may not presently be known, at the time of John F. Kennedy's administration, U.S. Steel was a very powerful, central industry in America. Not only was it powerful, it was the "point man" for a solid rank of powerful steel companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, Republic Steel, et al. None of these companies were "beggar corporations," whose extended hand could easily be twisted. These steel companies had a bevy of supporting corporations which were part of the steel making and distribution process, such as mining companies at one end and finished tool-makers, construction, and other end-product users. Needless to say, this show of "presidentiality" by Mr. Kennedy made him seem even stronger and "King Arthuresque."

Camelot! Every day was the first day of Spring!

Yet, there were villains out there that had to be faced down. Fidel Castro became an obsession at the Kennedy White House, just as Osama bin Laden is to become an obsession of Mr. Obama's. Beyond that annoyance, President Kennedy had to confront the leaders of the U.S.S.R. over apparent nuclear missiles which Fidel had welcomed to his "Comradedom," Cuba.

My belief is that something of the same work is afoot in regard to Iran. Although the Russian people were able to break free of the "iron egg" of the U.S.S.R. and once again take their place among the self-ruling nations of the world, they remained as nuke-potent as ever. If they did not plant nuclear missiles on Iranian soil, they have sold them high-tech, non-nuclear missiles and other weapons. They have also apparently counseled the Iranians in certain areas of nuclear fuel processing, including upgrading to heavier forms of radioactive material. Hence, there seems to be a not-so-rough comparison between the Cuba-U.S.S.R. nexus during the John Kennedy years and the Iran-Russia nexus of Barack Obama's. Of course, Iran isn't "next door." Still, in an age when the North Atlantic Ocean is relentlessly referenced as a "pond" by media, Iran may seem only a "couple of blocks away."

Oddly, contemporary Russia may not be the only source of nukes. One can imagine an unraveling in Pakistan, resulting in a leadership friendly toward Iran and willing to share nuclear weapons.

Nor is the U.S.A. the only force that might be willing to confront the Iranian nuclear ambition. Not only is the Israeli state possessed of the fourth most powerful military force in the world - at least in terms of short-term warfare, it has stated publicly and privately that the Iranian situation was becoming intolerable and incompatible with its very existence. Beyond that, if Pakistan evolved politically into an Iranian "pal," then the nuclear-armed India might be drawn into an axis with the Israeli state to end their mutual problem with "extreme prejudice." The "I & I threat" to Middle Eastern peace might be quite real in the not-so-distant future.

As the "new kid on the block," Mr. Obama knows that he'll be tested.

Hence, the bright, vigorous days of Mr. Obama's administration may be doomed. Just as Mr. Kennedy began to show the pressure and burden in his face, so I expect will be the case for Mr. Obama. It's a tough job. Let's hope the parallel ends there.

March, 2009

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